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Hugo City Council Meeting Minutes for February 6, 2012 <br />Page 4 of 6 <br />Miron made motion, Weidt seconded, to postpone the discussion on the I -35E MnPASS to allow <br />time to work with area representatives and the League of Minnesota Cities to determine what <br />their positions were on supporting this project. <br />All Ayes. Motion carried <br />Update on the Everton Avenue Alternative Urban Areawide Review (AUAR) <br />At its December 19, 2011 meeting, the Council considered the update of the Everton Avenue <br />Neighborhood Final Alternative Urban Areawide Review (AUAR), which was first adopted in <br />January 2002 as part of the Everton Avenue Neighborhood Study and updated in the spring of <br />2007. The Council approved the proposal from WSB Engineering to update the AUAR but <br />questioned the Minnesota Rules requirement that the document to be reviewed and updated <br />every five years until all development in the study area has received final approval. As directed <br />by Council, City Administrator Bryan Bear and Mayor Miron met with State Senator Ray <br />Vandeveer and Representative Bob Dettmer on Friday, January 20, 2012 to express the concern <br />the City has with the time and expense that is incurred at both the state and local level because of <br />this renewal process. The Environmental Quality Board (EQB) sets the rules governing by this <br />type of document, and is was suggested there be a meeting with the EQB to determine the <br />rational for the rule making and whether these rules could be amended. Mayor Miron and City <br />Administrator Bryan Bear will schedule a meeting with the EQB, including Senator Vandeveer, <br />Representative Dettmer, and a representative of the League of Minnesota Cities to discuss these <br />rules. No formal action was taken. <br />The Citizen's Requester Campaign <br />Owner of Press Publications Carter Johnson and The Citizen Managing Editor Debra Barnes <br />attended the Council meeting to explain the Requester Campaign. Press Publications, which <br />owns The Citizen (a biweekly newspaper mailed to all Hugo residents), is launching the <br />Requester Campaign to gain feedback to better determine the most efficient and environmentally <br />friendly method of continuing to provide the paper to all Hugo residents who wish to continue <br />receiving the publication. Debra Barnes explained that if 50% of the readership responded they <br />wanted to continue to receive the paper, the post office would allow the paper to be mailed at the <br />Requester Rate, which is considerable lower. The campaign invites the readers of The Citizen to <br />return a postcard that will be inserted in the newspaper or respond via their website. The Mayor <br />encouraged residents to do so. No formal action was taken. <br />Schedule Workshop on Redistricting of City Wards and Precincts <br />Following the decennial census, the City is required to establish or reestablish the City's precinct <br />and ward boundaries to ensure compliance with ward population equality and other legal <br />requirements. City Clerk Michele Lindau updated the Council on the redistricting process and <br />requested Council schedule a date on which to hold a work shop on the redistricting of the City's <br />wards and precincts. Following the workshop, a preliminary plan could be approved at their March <br />19, 2012 meeting, which would allow two weeks for public comments before becoming final at <br />