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Hugo City Council Meeting Minutes for March 19, 2012 <br />Page 2 of 6 <br />pictures, and text as part of incoming calls. Hutton explained that all equipment purchased in <br />2011 was done through grants totaling approximately $700,000. This equipment benefits Hugo <br />residents without increasing the cost of the contract with Washington County for services to Hugo, <br />which include seven deputies assigned to the City. <br />Miron made motion, Haas seconded, to accept the Washington County Sheriff Department's <br />Annual Report as presented by Sheriff William Hutton. <br />All Ayes. Motion carried. <br />Huao United Soccer Association - Jim and Colleen Brockber2 <br />The City of Hugo was approached regarding the availability of fields for a Hugo United Soccer <br />Club. Hugo residents Colleen and Jim Brockberg, along with a Board of Directors, have been <br />preparing to apply for membership in the Minnesota Youth Soccer Association (MYSA) to form <br />the Hugo United Soccer Club as part of the MYSA. Colleen and Jim approached the Council to <br />explain they have put together the bylaws and documents necessary for the application, but also <br />need a statement from the owner of the fields they intend to use. Parks Planner Shayla Syverson <br />explained to the Council that the City of Hugo has fields available, including the Hanifl Fields <br />Athletic Park, and has established a priority use policy. The Hugo United Soccer Club would <br />serve one hundred percent of the City of Hugo's youth and would meet the requirements for <br />priority use of the fields. The club intends to support and preserve the game of soccer for youth in <br />the Hugo community and surrounding areas. <br />Haas made motion, Klein seconded, to direct staff to provide a letter to the Minnesota Youth <br />Soccer Association in support of the Hugo United Soccer Club as part of the MYSA. <br />All Ayes. Motion carried. <br />Approval of the Consent Agenda <br />Haas made motion, Weidt seconded, to approve the following Consent Agenda items: <br />Approval of Claims <br />Approve Resolution on Statutory Tort Liability Limits <br />Approve Recommendation from EDA for Donation to Hugo Business Association and Co - <br />Sponsorship of Hugo Kidz -n -Biz Fest <br />Approve Special Event Permit for Blacksmith Lounge for 2012 Events <br />Approve Leave of Absence for Firefighter Bryan Hamilton <br />All Ayes. Motion carried. <br />Approval of Claims <br />Adoption of the Consent Agenda approved the Claims Roster as presented. <br />