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Hugo City Council Meeting Minutes for April 16, 2012 <br />Page 3 of 7 <br />transmission lines and 34.5kV for the distribution lines. Staff has met with Xcel Energy Inc. on this <br />project to discuss the installation of the project. Staff is comfortable with the installation of the <br />overhead lines as Xcel Energy Inc. has proposed. Adoption of the Consent Agenda approved the <br />installation to rebuild and replace the overhead transmission and distribution lines. <br />Xcel Energy's Community Relations Manager John Wertish briefly addressed the Council <br />explaining the project, stating that no interruptions to service were expected. <br />Approve Six-month Performance Review for Public Works Lead Worker Mike Loeffler <br />At its October 17, 2011 meeting, the County approved Mike Loeffler as the Public Works Lead <br />Worker to replace Public Works Worker Tom Smith, who resigned from the position. The six- <br />month probationary period is ending at this time. Mike has worked in the Hugo Public Works <br />Department since August, 2002. Adoption of the Consent Agenda approved the six-month <br />performance review for Public Works Lead Worker Mike Loeffler. <br />Approve Replacement of Public Works Truck #106-02 <br />Included in the City's 2012 Budget is funding for the purchase of 3/4 ton pickup truck to replace the <br />Department's aging 2002 Chevrolet 2500. The current Chevrolet has served the City well over the <br />past 10 years. Recently, the truck has had several repairs made to it. This truck is used each and <br />every day. To continue to use this truck at the current level, the City can expect the repairs to <br />increase in frequency and severity, which adds support to the City's 10 year replacement practice. <br />Adoption of the Consent Agenda authorized the purchase of the 3/4 ton Chevrolet from Polar <br />Chevrolet through the State of Minnesota Cooperative Purchasing Venture for a price of <br />$25,405.20 plus tax and licensing. <br />Approve Resignation of Mike Granger from the EDA and Appointment of Frank Puleo <br />At its February 22, 2011 meeting, the Council approved a one-year leave of absence for EDA <br />Commissioner Mike Granger and appointed Frank Puleo to serve as interim member in his place. <br />Mike Granger has since indicated he is not interested in serving again at this time but may be <br />interested in serving on the EDA again in the future. Frank Puleo has agreed to serve the remainder <br />of Mike Granger's term. Adoption of the Consent Agenda approved the resignation of Mike <br />Granger and appointed Frank Puleo to continue serving on the EDA for the remainder of Mike <br />Granger's term, which expires December 31, 2015. <br />Request Approval of Claim on Trustee for Generation Acres Letter of Credit <br />City Attorney Dave Snyder has been working to collect on a letter of credit for Generation Acres <br />Development, which was financed by Lakeland Construction Finance. Lakeland Construction failed in <br />2008, and the Receiver, who is in charge with collecting Lakeland's assets, is offering a proposal to <br />creditors based upon the amount of assets available to end this matter. The property has since been <br />purchased by Joel and John Schwieters, who will assume maintenance of the site and intend to <br />complete the development at some time in the future. Adoption of the Consent Agenda approved a <br />resolution of the claim against the trustee of the issuer of the letter of credit for the Generation Acres <br />development to reimburse City's costs and furnish a Development Agreement to the substitute <br />developer. <br />