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Hugo City Council Meeting Minutes for April 16, 2012 <br />Page 4 of 7 <br />Gravel Road Maintenance <br />Public Works Director Scott Anderson provided Council information on the procedure for <br />developing the City's gravel road maintenance schedule. This year's gravel road maintenance <br />projects will be done on 180th Street, Forest Road, and 177th Street. This summer, the Public Works <br />Department will be doing roadside ditch maintenance, gravel resurfacing, and dust control <br />application in those areas. <br />Approve Award of Bid for the 2012 Dust Control Proiect <br />At its March 5, 2012 meeting, the Hugo City Council authorized City staff to advertise and receive <br />bids for the 2012 dust control project. Bids were received and opened on Wednesday, April 11, <br />2012. Public Works Director Scott Anderson reviewed with the Council the bids received and <br />explained the City would be cooperating with May Township for Keystone Avenue, City of Grant <br />for 120th Street, and the City of Grant and White Bear Township for Goodview Avenue dust control <br />application. <br />Haas made motion, Petryk seconded, to award the bid to Envirotech, Inc. at $0.71/gal for <br />magnesium chloride for the City's dust control project. <br />All Ayes. Motion carried. <br />Approve Award of Bid for the 2012 Seal Coating Proiect <br />At its March 5, 2012 meeting, the Hugo City Council authorized City staff to advertise and receive <br />bids for the 2012 seal coat project. Bids were received and opened on Wednesday, April 11, 2012 <br />for this contract. Public Works Director Scott Anderson informed Council the City had received <br />two bids with the low bid being Pearson Brothers Inc. at $147,636.30. Scott also informed the <br />Council that the School District collaborated with the City for their project to seal coat the Oneka <br />Elementary and Hugo Elementary school parking lots. <br />Haas made motion, Petryk seconded, to award the 2012 seal coating project bid to Pearson Brothers <br />Inc. in the amount of $147,636.30 <br />All Ayes. Motion carried. <br />Approve Quote for the 2012 Gravel Road Resurfacing Proiect <br />Quotes were received for the delivery of gravel for the City's gravel road resurfacing project. There <br />are approximately 25 miles of gravel roads in City limits that are resurfaced every 5-6 years. Public <br />Works Director Scott Anderson explained that the new gravel specification and dust control are <br />producing higher quality gravel roads that last longer. There were three bids received on the project. <br />Weidt made motion, Klein seconded, to approve a 2012 Gravel Road Resurfacing contract with <br />Dresel Contracting, Inc. to supply class 5 (60% crushed) aggregate at $7.80/ton. <br />All Ayes. Motion carried. <br />