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Hugo City Council Meeting Minutes for May 7, 2012 <br />Page 5 of 8 <br />and a variance to the building materials. Specifically stated in the CUP is have no exterior <br />storage and no sandblasting done outdoors. The City has been receiving many complaints <br />regarding the dust and noise associated with sandblasting outside of the building. At its October <br />17, 2011 meeting, Council had agreed to give Mr. Burr one year to resolve the issue and required <br />he provide a report to the Council on the progress in six months. Progress was to include a <br />review of the site plan, identification of structure statistics, update on grant applications, and <br />provide something in writing regarding interim sandblasting rules. The City continues to receive <br />complaints on this property, and the applicant has made no progress as discussed at the October <br />meeting. Mr. Burr submitted a letter to the City dated May 4, 2012 stating he was unable to <br />attend this meeting, and reported that they will be building their own 30' X 40' portable <br />enclosure, so a site plan was not needed. He also stated in his letter that they are sandblasting <br />within the State guidelines and at reasonable hours, and he never heard back from the City on <br />available grants. <br />The Council discussed these points and concluded a site plan for the structure was needed. <br />Council further found that Mr. Burr was not showing any good faith effort in living up to the <br />commitment made to the Council and the conditions of the CUP. The Council generally <br />expressed they had no confidence that anything was going to be done by the applicant to comply. <br />Weidt made motion, to direct the City Attorney to take necessary means to enforce the terms of <br />the Conditional Use Permit. <br />City Attorney Dave Snyder stated that since Mr. Burr has been in violation of the Conditional <br />Use Permit, the City should conduct a formal hearing to take action to determine whether the <br />Conditional Use Permit should be revoked in its entirety. <br />Weidt withdrew his motion. <br />Weidt made motion, Klein seconded to hold a hearing on the Conditional Use Permit at the next <br />meeting of the City Council on May 21, 2012. <br />Miron made motion, Petryk seconded, to amend the motion to direct staff to take a cursory look <br />at grants for Mr. Burr, and respond to Mr. Burr's letter to inform him that a site plan was needed <br />and notify him of the hearing scheduled to consider revoking the entire Conditional Use Permit. <br />Vote on amendment: <br />All Ayes. Motion carried. <br />Vote on motion as amended: <br />All Ayes. Motion carried. <br />Update on Goodview Avenue <br />At its March 19, 2012 meeting, the Council approved the proposed Joint Powers Agreement for <br />the paving of Goodview Avenue south of Hugo into the City of Grant and White Bear Township. <br />As directed by Council, staff forwarded a copy of the agreement to Washington County, White <br />Bear Township, and the City of Grant, along with a summary of sealed quotes obtained by the <br />City from five contractors to perform the work. City Engineer Jay Kennedy stated that the City <br />of Grant had considered the document and approved it without assessments. White Bear <br />