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Hugo City Council Meeting Minutes for June 18, 2012 <br />Page 3 of 8 <br />Boulevard. Over the past several years, the City has rented the house, and the interior and <br />exterior is in poor condition. There are currently no tenants renting the house. City staff has <br />inspected the house, and the building department determined that a significant amount of money <br />is necessary to bring the building up to code to be able to rent it out again. At its September 12, <br />2011 meeting, the EDA made a recommendation to the City Council to demolish the house. <br />Adoption of the Consent Agenda approved RESOLUTION 2012-13 MAKING CERTAIN <br />FINDINGS WITH RESPECT TO SUBSTANDARD BUILDINGS (14701 FOREST <br />BOULEVARD NORTH), and authorized staff to solicit for quotes to demolish the house. <br />Approve Encroachment Agreement for Deck and Shed at 12701 Foxhill Avenue North <br />Bill and Carrie Wadzink applied for an encroachment agreement for a deck and shed located on <br />the rear of their property at 12701 Foxhill Avenue North. The deck and shed would only extend <br />approximately ten feet into the drainage and utility easement. Staff finds no issues regarding the <br />placement of these features. Adoption of the Consent Agenda approved RESOLUTION 2012- <br />14 APPROVING AN ENCROACHMENT AGREEMENT FOR BILL AND CARRIE <br />WADZINK TO ALLOW CONSTRUCTION OF A DECK AND SHED WITHIN A <br />DRAINAGE AND UTILITY EASEMENT ON THE PROPERTY LOCATED AT 12701 <br />FOXHILL CIRCLE. <br />Approve Pay Request No. 7 from Northdale Construction for the South Ethan Ave Project <br />The City of Hugo has received Pay Request No. 7 from Northdale Construction for work <br />completed to date on the construction of the South Ethan Avenue neighborhood street and utility <br />improvement project. Senior Engineering Technician Steve Duff and City Engineer Jay Kennedy <br />have reviewed the pay request and found it to be satisfactory for work completed to date on the <br />project. Adoption of the Consent Agenda approved Pay Request No. 7 to Northdale <br />Construction in the amount of $108,755.62 for work completed to date on the South Ethan Street <br />Improvement Project. <br />Approve Pay Request No. 1 from Dresel Contracting, Inc. for the Lake Air/Bald Eagle <br />Estate and CSAH 8 Mill & Overlay Project <br />The City of Hugo received Pay Request No. 1 from Dresel Contracting, Inc. for the Lake Air <br />Estates/Bald Eagle Estates roadway and drainage improvement project, and the CSAH 8 mill and <br />overlay project. Senior Engineering Technician Steve Duff and City Engineer Jay Kennedy have <br />reviewed the Pay Request and found it satisfactory for work completed to date on the projects. <br />Adoption of the Consent Agenda approved Pay Request No. 1 to Dresel Contracting, Inc. in the <br />amount of $141,252.88 for the work completed to date on the Lake Air/Bald Eagle Estates and <br />CSAH 8 projects. <br />Award Paving Contract for Goodview Avenue Project <br />The cities of Hugo and Grant, along with Washington County and White Bear Township, have <br />been working together in an effort to pave Goodview Avenue between the south Hugo City limit <br />and CSAH 7. The parties have drafted a joint powers agreement, which has been approved by <br />Hugo, Grant, and White Bear Township which will allow for the paving project to occur. The <br />