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Hugo City Council Meeting Minutes for July 2, 2012 <br />Page 5 of 8 <br />Approve the Resignation of Firefighter Bryan Hamilton from the Hugo Fire Department <br />Firefighter Bryan Hamilton has submitted his letter of resignation from the Hugo Fire <br />Department. Bryan and his family will be moving out of the City of Hugo. Adoption of the <br />Consent Agenda approved the resignation of Bryan Hamilton from the Hugo Fire Department. <br />Approve Kevin Kriegshauser as Lieutenant on the Hugo Fire Department <br />Firefighter Kevin Kriegshauser is being recommended as a Lieutenant on the Hugo Fire <br />Department. Kevin has been with the Department since April, 2010. Adoption of the Consent <br />Agenda approved the appointment of Kevin Kriegshauser as Lieutenant on the Hugo Fire <br />Department. <br />Mayor Miron arrived at 7:20, and Acting Mayor Petryk turned the gavel over to him. <br />Update on National Recycling Inc. (NRI) — Owner Rick Mark <br />At the June 4, 2012 Council meeting, National Recycling owner Rick Mark and his Attorney <br />David Schoenecker appeared before the Council to provide an update on the NRI transition plan. <br />This plan included the completion of the Hugo site as a retail site by July, 2012. City staff and <br />Council Members continue to receive calls concerning the appearance of the site. Rick Mark and <br />David Schoenecker had indicated they were unable to move the steel off the site as quickly as <br />they had anticipated and had asked for more time. Council directed NRI to attend this meeting <br />and provide a progress report to the Council. <br />Attorney David Schoenecker stated they had approximately 540 tons of steel come in to the Hugo <br />site, and 1,100 tons shipped were out of the site during the month of June. He displayed pictures <br />of the site showing how the pile has reduced over the past three months. Two semis have been <br />purchased as well as an end -dump truck, which will be online next week. He stated they have <br />reduced the price per ton from $180 to $100 in order to encourage haulers to go to their <br />Cambridge site. David stated the general contractor, Brian Baas, has informed them the civil <br />engineer is working with the City engineer on the approved plan, and they are anticipating the <br />first phase of construction will begin in August. <br />Rick Mark ensured the Council the piles would be gone by the time the snow flies. He also <br />indicated that it could be moved faster if they were permitted to put on a second shift. <br />Paul Ford, 15880 Foxhill Avenue North, was asked by Council what he personally thought of the <br />idea of a second shift at NRI. Paul stated that he could not speak for the rest of the neighborhood, <br />but he was only concerned about the noise, and didn't care if they added another shift. <br />Miron made motion, Petryk seconded, to direct staff to schedule a meeting with the neighbors to <br />discuss options for National Recycling, Inc. <br />All Ayes. Motion carried. <br />