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Hugo City Council Meeting Minutes for March 7, 2011 <br />Page 5 of 7 <br />Approval of Animal Ordinance Revisions <br />At its regularly scheduled meeting on December 6, 2010, the City Council was given a <br />presentation that outlined proposed revisions to the Animal Ordinance. The City Council held a <br />public hearing at this meeting in which they took public comment from various residents and <br />animal professionals. City Council then directed staff to meet with the residents and address <br />their concerns with the proposed changes to the ordinance. Staff met with residents and <br />incorporated changes to the proposed ordinance based on the discussion and Council direction. <br />Community Development Assistant Dennis Fields presented the proposed changes to the <br />ordinance which included sections on impounding of dogs, animal bites and rabies, dangerous <br />and potentially dangerous dogs, penalties for violations, and appointment of a hearing officer. <br />Kerry Reimer, 14165 Irish Avenue North, said he liked the ordinance except for the section <br />allowing for the disposal of an impounded animal within only ten days after it is impounded. <br />Camille McArkle, veterinarian and resident of Hugo, pointed out that a dog is easier to watch in <br />a park if it is leashed because the dog would remain closer to the owner. <br />Deb Barnes, 6491 132nd Street North, expressed a strong support for a dog park. <br />Haas made motion, Miron seconded, to approve ORDINANCE 2011-455 AMENDING <br />CHAPTER 10, ANIMALS, with the deletion of Section10.34 (2) stating dogs shall not be <br />allowed to run at large, because it is already stated in Section 10.34 (1). <br />Haas made motion, Weidt seconded, to amend the motion to include the deletion of section 10.28 <br />which required that dogs be licensed by the City of Hugo. <br />Vote on amendment: All Ayes. Motion carried. <br />Vote on motion as amended: All Ayes. Motion carried. <br />Approve Plans and Specifications for South Ethan Avenue Neighborhood Street <br />Reconstruction Proiect <br />At its November 1, 2010 meeting, the Hugo City Council ordered the South Ethan Avenue Street <br />and Utility project, and ordered the preparation of the project plans and specifications. The <br />project plans and specifications have been completed and shared with residents at an open house <br />held on Thursday, February 24, 2011. <br />City Engineer Jay Kennedy reviewed some of the key plan components with the City Council <br />which include a three-way stop at the Everton Avenue/122nd intersection, traffic calming <br />measures to include driver feedback signs, and improvements to the 120th Street/Everton Avenue <br />curve. Construction would begin in May, 2011 with an assessment hearing in September. Work <br />would be substantially completed by September, 2011.. City Engineer Jay Kennedy stated that <br />the City of Hugo would be applying for the RCWD grant, which was due by March 16, 2011. <br />