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2011.06.06 CC Minutes
City Council
City Council Minutes
2011 CC Minutes
2011.06.06 CC Minutes
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Minutes for the Hugo City Council Meeting on June 6, 2010 <br />Page 5 of 7 <br />Discussion on Eastern Hugo Study <br />For the past several months Council Member Chuck Haas and Planning Commissioner Bob <br />Rosenquist have served as City representatives on the Eastern Hugo Natural Resources Study <br />Focus Group, along with members of the City staff and various agencies. Jed Chesnut with <br />WSB & Associates explained that the purpose of the study was to evaluate the feasibility of <br />providing sewer within eastern Hugo, which is the area east of the 2030 Metropolitan Urban <br />Service Area (MUSA) line. Natural resources data from several sources was mapped and <br />prioritized in this first phase which was done with a Community Conservation Grant from the <br />MN DNR for $25,125 and funding from the Rice Creek and Brown's Creek Watershed District. <br />A Guidance Document will be finalized and presented to the Planning Commission and City <br />Council. Staff will be seeking funding for Phase II, which will consist of using the data along <br />with consideration of land use decisions, existing development pattern, and the financial <br />feasibility to determine the feasibility of putting sewer in the study area. No formal action was <br />taken. <br />Update on Hugo Water Tower #3 Repair <br />At its April 18th meeting, the Council considered and approved a settlement agreement for Water <br />Tower #3. It was noticed that during the examination of the tower after the tornado in 2008, the <br />interior coating of the bowl walls and ceiling had begun chipping and flaking prematurely. <br />Council accepted the settlement agreement that involved draining and repairing the areas that <br />were identified as failing at no cost to the City. Community Development Director Bryan Bear <br />explained the repair work began in May and passed testing last Friday. He was happy to report <br />that the City was able to draw water from other wells within the City, and there were very few <br />residents who called inquiring on the reduced water pressure. It is expected the paint finishing <br />will surpass its life expectancy. <br />Discussion on Special Session for Minnesota State Legislature <br />As Council is aware, the Minnesota State Legislature met for the past five months and completed <br />their work on the State of Minnesota's biennial budget. Unfortunately, the budget and tax bills <br />crafted by the State Senate and House of Representatives were vetoed by Governor Mark Dayton. <br />Of particular importance to the City of Hugo is the vetoed tax bill which contained a mechanism for <br />fully funding the Market Value Homestead Credit program. This provision is worth approximately <br />$300,000 annually to the City of Hugo. <br />Weidt made motion, Klein seconded, to direct staff to send a formal letter to State Senator Ray <br />Vandeveer and State Representatives Matt Dean and Bob Dettmer concerning the importance of <br />keeping this provision in any negotiated compromise tax bill. <br />All Ayes. Motion carried. <br />Schedule I-35W/E Coalition Meeting <br />Annually, the City of Hugo hosts the I-35W/E Coalition meeting here at Hugo City Hall with a <br />BBQ including hamburgers and brats, and most importantly an opportunity for local elected <br />officials to discuss policy issues relevant to the I-35W/E Coalition. <br />
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