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Hugo City Council Meeting Minutes for December 19, 2011 <br />Page 6 of 10 <br />Approve Annual Performance Review for Planner Rachel Juba <br />Rachel Juba was hired as the City's new Associate Planner on January 2, 2007 and promoted to <br />Planner in 2010. Over the past five years, Rachel has worked in the Community Development <br />Department and provides support for the Economic Development Authority and Planning <br />Commission. Adoption of the Consent Agenda approved the annual performance review for <br />Planner Rachel Juba. <br />Approve Annual Performance Review for PW Worker Ryan McCullough <br />Ryan McCullough was hired on January 2, 2007 as the City of Hugo's new Public Works <br />Maintenance Worker. Ryan has worked over the past five years in a wide variety of the duties <br />completed by the Public Works Department including snowplowing, landscape maintenance, <br />sewer work, and water work. Adoption of the Consent Agenda approved the annual performance <br />review for Public Works Maintenance Worker Ryan McCullough. <br />Approve April 19, 2012 as Annual Board of Appeal & Equalization Meeting <br />Each year, Council meets as the Board of Appeal and Equalization with the sole purpose of <br />providing Hugo residents and business owners an opportunity to appear personally in front of the <br />Board to discuss their property market valuations. Washington County Assessor Bruce Munneke <br />has selected Thursday, April 19, 2012 from 5:30 to 7:00 p.m. as the date and time on which to <br />hold the meeting Adoption of the Consent Agenda approved April 19, 2012 at 5:30 pm as the <br />City's annual Board of Appeal and Equalization meeting <br />Approve Release of Letter of Credit for Victor Gardens North Village 2nd Addition <br />City staff has received a request from Rottlund Homes to release the letter of credit being held by <br />the City for Victor Gardens North Village 2nd Addition. Senior Engineering Technician Steve <br />Duff has reviewed the work completed on site and has determined that the project is complete to <br />City specifications. All punch list items have been completed and the one-year warranty period <br />has expired. Adoption of the Consent Agenda approved the release of the letter of credit for <br />Victor Gardens North Village 2nd Addition. <br />Approve Implementation of GASB Statement No. 54 <br />The Governmental Accounting Standards Board (GASB) requires that each fund balance be <br />designated as nonspendable, restricted, committed, assigned or unassigned. A fund balance can <br />only be designated as "committed" by the City Council. The City of Hugo currently has two <br />funds, the Special Parks Fund and the Compensated Absences Sinking Fund, that require this <br />designation. As per the GASB Statement 54, the balances of the remaining funds may be <br />designated by staff selected by the City Council. City staff recommended Council approve the <br />resolution committing specific fund balances and their corresponding sources of revenue and <br />authorize the Finance Director and City Administrator to establish assignment of the remaining <br />fund balances. Adoption of the Consent Agenda approved RESOLUTION 2011-47 <br />RESOLUTION COMMITTING SPECIFIC FUND BALANCES AND REVENUE SOURCES <br />AND AUTHORIZING THE FINANCE DIRECTOR AND CITY ADMINISTRATOR TO <br />ESTABLISH ASSIGNMENT OF FUND BALANCES. <br />