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2010.02.01 CC Minutes
City Council
City Council Minutes
2010 CC Minutes
2010.02.01 CC Minutes
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Minutes for the Hugo City Council Meeting of February 1, 2010 <br />Page 5 of 8 <br />Weidt made motion, Haas seconded, to adopt ORDINANCE 2010-441 DISSOLVING A <br />STORM SEWER IMPROVEMENT TAX DISTRICT WITHIN THE MEANING OF MINN. <br />STAT. SECTION 444.16 ET. SEQ. (with the May Township for the Diamond Point Area). <br />Ayes: Klein, Haas, Petryk, Weidt, Miron <br />Nays: None <br />Motion Carried. <br />Weidt made motion, Klein seconded, to adopt ORDINANCE 2010-442 DISSOLVING A <br />STORM SEWER IMPROVEMENT TAX DISTRICT WITHIN THE MEANING OF MINN. <br />STAT. SECTION 444.16 ET. SEQ. (Creekview Preserve area). <br />Ayes: Haas, Petryk, Weidt, Klein, Miron <br />Nays: None <br />Motion carried. <br />Public Hearing on 2010 South Egg Lake Street Reconstruction Proiect <br />On October 12, 2009, a neighborhood meeting was held with the residents on the south end of <br />Egg Lake to discuss a 2010 street reconstruction project. At its October 19, 2009 meeting, the <br />Council directed staff to prepare a feasibility study for the project. City Engineer Jay Kennedy <br />prepared the feasibility study, and at the December 21, 2009 meeting he presented the findings to <br />the City Council on the project. Council adopted a resolution on January 4, 2010 scheduling the <br />public hearing for this evening. City Engineer Jay Kennedy gave a brief overview of the project <br />explaining the it would include all roads with the installation of curb and gutter but no sidewalks, <br />improvements and additions to storm drainage, spot sanitary sewer and watermain repairs, and <br />hydrant replacement. Jay gave the pros and cons of a 24' road width and a 26' width, and the <br />Mayor requested the residents' opinion on it. Mayor Fran Miron opened the public hearing to <br />take any and all public comments on the proposed 2010 South Egg Lake Street Reconstruction <br />Project. <br />Ken Janusz, 14124 Flay Avenue North, stated he had found the feasibility information available <br />on the City's website. <br />Dave Yoist, 14081 Flay Avenue North, asked Senior Engineering Technician Steve Duff to <br />provide a brief description of what the residents could expect during construction. Steve talked <br />about mail delivery, garbage services, driveway access, and construction hours. Mayor Fran <br />Miron invited residents to speak with Steve directly regarding their individual concerns, and <br />Steve stated he will be making every effort to keep the residents informed. Dave also indicated <br />he preferred the 26' width roadway but he had concerns over excessive speeding. <br />Dan Granger, 5624 141St Street North, asked if it would be possible to install a stop sign at 141St <br />Street and Flay due to excessive traffic from drivers avoiding the stop light at 140th and Highway <br />61 and traffic to the day care. He also preferred a 26' street width. <br />Ken Janusz agreed with the traffic issues, and he also preferred a 26' street width. <br />
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