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Minutes for the Hugo City Council Meeting of February 1, 2010 <br />Page 6 of 8 <br />Karen Charpentier, 5636 141St Street North, stated she would like to see the road as wide as <br />possible. <br />David Yoist asked how payments were assessed. City Engineer Jay Kennedy explained there <br />were two options: to pay 100% within thirty day with no interest, or be assessed through <br />property taxes. <br />Stuart Fruin, 5649 142nd Street North, asked about when they would start getting charged on the <br />assessment. Jay replied that interest accrues the day it is assessed and payment would begin with <br />the following years taxes. Hugo's Finance Director will mail the details to individual property <br />owners. <br />Jason Lushine, 14197 Highway 61, said he had heard rumor that the ditch along Highway 61 <br />would be filled in. City Engineer Jay Kennedy confirmed it was just a rumor. <br />Weidt made motion, Haas seconded, to adopt RESOLUTION 2010 - 4 ORDERING <br />IMPROVEMENT, AND ORDERING THE PREPARATION OF PLANS AND <br />SPECIFICATIONS FOR THE SOUTH EGG LAKE AREA ROADWAY, DRAINAGE, AND <br />UTILITY IMPROVEMENTS <br />Ayes: Petryk, Weidt, Klein, Haas, Miron <br />Nays: None <br />Motion carried. <br />Report from Landform on the Hanifl Fields Athletic Park Shelter <br />At its Tuesday, September 8, 2009 meeting, the Hugo City Council unanimously agreed to <br />authorize the sale of $1,605,000 in G.O. Tax Abatement Bonds to pay for the construction of the <br />new park shelter at the Hanifl Fields Athletic Park and purchase of the 125 -acre Hansen <br />property. At its July 20, 2009 meeting, the Hugo City Council discussed concept plans of the <br />park shelter. Kendra Lindahl and Architect Teresa Forsberg from Landform worked with staff <br />and the sub -committee to address design issues raised by the Council. The park shelter was <br />designed to have northwoods character and to be environmentally green. City Planner Kendra <br />Lindahl gave an update on the design work for the new park shelter and explained some of the <br />"green" concepts including rain barrels, native plantings, low -flow utilities, and the use of <br />recyclable materials. At the March 15, 2010 Council will be presented with the construction <br />plans and a request to go out for bids. If Council approves, bids would be awarded on April 19, <br />2010 with construction to take place May - October, 2010, <br />Discussion on Right -of -Way Ordinance and Undergrounding Utilities Ordinance <br />At its September 21, 2009 meeting, the Hugo City Council continued discussions on the potential <br />of undergrounding the power lines on TH 61 on the east side along Egg Lake in the City's <br />downtown area. John Wertish from Xcel Energy had answered questions about the scoping <br />estimate to underground the power lines and financing options. The Council directed staff to <br />work with Xcel Energy in long-term planning along TH 61 for utilities, and draft an ordinance or <br />policy on undergrounding power lines using the League of Minnesota Cities' model. EDA and <br />