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Hugo City Council Meeting of July 19, 2010 <br />Page 3 of 6 <br />Approve Pay Request No. 4 from Arnt Construction for Construction on South Egg Lake <br />Road Proiect <br />The City of Hugo received Pay Request No. 4 from Arnt Construction for work on the South Egg <br />Lake Neighborhood Street Reconstruction Project. Senior Engineering Technician Steve Duff <br />has reviewed the pay request and found it to be satisfactory for work completed to date on the <br />project. Adoption of the Consent Agenda approved Pay Request No.4 to Arnt Construction in <br />the amount of $79,093.16 for work completed to date on the South Egg Lake Neighborhood <br />Street Reconstruction Project. <br />Approve Leave Of Absence for Firefighter Michael McCorkel <br />Staff added this item to the agenda. Fire Chief Jim Compton is requesting the Council approve a <br />60 -day Leave of Absence for Firefighter Michael McCorkel. This leave would be effective <br />immediately. Adoption of the Consent Agenda approved the Leave of Absence for Firefighter <br />Michael McCorkel until September 19, 2010. <br />Approve Sale of GO Capital Improvements Bonds — Paul Steinman, Sprinuted <br />At its June 7, 2010 meeting, the Council listened to a presentation from Paul Steinman, the <br />City's financial advisor from Springsted, Inc., regarding the proposed sale of General Obligation <br />Capital Improvement bonds to replace two previously issued lease revenue bonds. On Monday, <br />July 19, 2010 at 11:00 a.m., Springsted opened bids for the sale of the G.O. Capital Improvement <br />bonds. Financial Advisor Paul Steinman and City Finance Director Ron Otkin announced that <br />their target interest rate was 2.38 percent; however, they received an interest rate of 1.7174 <br />percent, resulting in a net present value savings to the City of $125,495. This bid resulted in a <br />reduction in the overall size of the bond issue from $1.375 million to $1.34 million. There were <br />nine bidders with the low bid from Robert W. Baird & Company, Inc. <br />Haas made motion, Petryk seconded, to approve RESOLUTION NO. 2010-29 ACCEPTING <br />PROPOSAL ON THE SALE OF $1,340,000 GENERAL OBLIGATION CAPITAL <br />IMPROVEMENT PLAN BONDS, SERIES 2010A, PROVIDING FOR THEIR ISSUANCE <br />AND LEVYING A TAX FOR THE PAYMENT THEREOF. <br />Ayes: Haas, Petryk, Weidt, Klein, Miron <br />Nay: None <br />Motion carried. <br />Approve Construction of Park Improvements at Lions Park Skate Park <br />At is June 21, 2010 meeting, the City Council listened to a presentation by Parks Planner Shayla <br />Syverson on a recommendation from the Parks, Recreation and Open Space Commission to <br />make improvements at Lions Park including building a skate park and also accepted a donation <br />of up to $10,000 from the Hugo Lions Club. Shayla presented the concept plan which included <br />resurfacing two tennis courts, building two basketball half -courts, painting four square games <br />and constructing a fenced skate park on a new concrete slab. At its June 10, 2010 meeting, the <br />Planning Commission had approved the capital improvements as being consistent with the City's <br />Comprehensive Plan. Shayla explained the funding would come from the $10,000 donation and <br />$75,000 from the Parks fund. The total project cost of $85,000 would include $40,000 for site <br />work, with much of it being done by the City's Public Works Department, $40,000 for skate park <br />