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Hugo City Council Meeting of July 19, 2010 <br />Page 4 of 6 <br />equipment, and $5,000 for miscellaneous improvements such as nets, benches, and signs. The <br />Mayor asked if the grading of the site would be okay with future road improvements, and City <br />Engineer Jay Kennedy stated that he would look into it. Haas asked about the future master park <br />plan and how these improvements would comply with it. Parks and Recreation Commission <br />Chair Jim Taylor explained the Master Parks Plan would be developed next year, and this would <br />be phase one of the plan. <br />Weidt made motion, Petryk seconded, to approve the improvements for Lions Park as presented. <br />All Ayes. Motion carried. <br />Approve Construction Plans and Cooperative AlZreement with Washington County for <br />CSAH 8 East Project <br />Washington County staff has completed the plans for construction of CSAH 8 east of TH 61. <br />The plans show the reconstruction of the roadway along its existing alignment, with the road <br />work being complete this year. City Engineer Jay Kennedy has reviewed the plans and City <br />Attorney Dave Snyder has reviewed the Cooperative Agreement. Project Manager Jake Gave <br />provided an overview of the project which will include pavement reclamation, subcuts, turn <br />lanes at Hanifl Fields, replacement of 14 metal culverts with concrete culverts, and an infiltration <br />berm as required by the Rice Creek Watershed District. Councilmember Haas talked about <br />improvements to Irish Avenue and whether the gravel tax would be an eligible use of those <br />funds. The County has no procedure for requesting this money. Mayor Miron suggested a <br />public meeting be held on the project at Rice Lake Center after the bid on the project is awarded. <br />Resident Beth Miner talked about the recent tournament at Hanifl Fields and the Council <br />discussed the one-way traffic flow with cars entering on the east end and using the west entrance <br />near the Public Works building as an exit. <br />Haas made motion, Weidt seconded, to approve the Construction Plans and Cooperative <br />Agreement with Washington County and the City of Hugo, with consideration given to the items <br />discussed. <br />Ayes: Petryk, Weidt, Klein, Haas, and Miron <br />Nays: None <br />Motion carried. <br />Haas made motion, Klein seconded, to direct staff to work with Washington County to look at <br />improvements to Irish Avenue as a project to be included with the CSAH 8 project with the <br />special reserve funding per State Statute 298.75, Aggregate Material Removal; Production Tax. <br />All Ayes. Motion carried. <br />Update on Hardwood Creek Trail Project <br />The City Council has requested staff to work toward accelerating the abandonment of the <br />railroad right-of-way between 145th Street and 140th Street to allow for the construction of an <br />important missing link in the regional trail network and allow for connections to the City trail <br />network. County Planner Ann Pung-Terwedo explained to the Council that the Regional Rail <br />Authority had purchased the northern 9.5 miles of the railway for future transit and there is a use <br />agreement for the Hardwood Creek Trail. The portion between 145th Street and 140th Street is <br />