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Minutes for the Hugo City Council Meeting September 7, 2010 <br />Page 5 of 9 <br />roadway and storm drainage improvements totaling $1,025,760. The total to be assessed is <br />$285,581 with the remainder to be paid through the City's CIP/Utility Fund. According to the <br />Assessment Policy, single family homes and duplexes are assessed $5,200 per unit and other <br />commercial/industrial/multifamily/institutional uses are assessed $97.50 per foot. Assessments <br />will be spread out over ten years at 4.875% interest, or can be paid in full by October 7, or can be <br />deferred for senior citizens. <br />Finance director Ron Otkin addressed questions from residents on the senior citizen deferment <br />available to individuals 65 years old by the end of this year or older, according to state law. The <br />deferment would accrue interest but no money is due until the property changes ownership. If <br />deferred, it can be paid in full at any time. Senior citizens have 30 days to apply for this <br />deferment. <br />The Council also discussed a letter from Terry and Colleen Hantho, who own a double bungalow <br />on 147th Street North with separate addresses where they and a close relative live. The Hanthos <br />felt it was unfair because it is only one parcel of property and they are being charged two <br />assessments. City Engineer Jay Kennedy explained the parcel is treated as two separate units <br />according to the City's Assessment Policy. <br />The Mayor Fran Miron opened the public hearing. <br />Terry Hantho, 5650 142nd Street North, said he was pleased with the projected and complimented <br />Senior Engineering Technician Steve Duff on his involvement. Terry stated he felt it was unfair <br />to be charged for both parcels, and he asked the council to reconsider the policy. City Engineer <br />Jay Kennedy noted there was the same situation with a parcel in the 2009 road project in the <br />Hugo Elementary School neighborhood; however, the property owners did not comment at the <br />public hearing on the project and the assessment for both parcels is being paid by the property <br />owner. <br />Tony Vilgos, 5698 141St Street North, said Hanthos should not be charged for two parcels simply <br />because there were two curb cuts; corner lots required addition work as well, and corner lots are <br />only considered as one parcel. <br />There were no other comments, and Mayor Fran Miron closed the public hearing. <br />Miron made motion, Weidt seconded, to approve RESOLUTION 2010-42 ADOPTING <br />ASSESSMENTS FOR THE SOUTH EGG LAKE NEIGHBORHOOD IMPROVEMENT <br />PROJECT, excluding the Hantho Parcel # <br />Ayes: Haas, Petryk, Weidt, Klein, Miron <br />Nays: None <br />Motion carried. <br />Miron made motion, Weidt seconded, to direct staff to review the Hantho parcel, the Assessment <br />Policy, and the property tax information on the Hantho parcel, and do so in a timely manner. <br />All Ayes. Motion carried. <br />