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Minutes for the City Council Meeting October 18, 2010 <br />Page 4 of 7 <br />Approve Pay Request No. 4 from Gencon Construction for Construction of Park Shelter at <br />Hanifl Fields <br />City staff received Pay Request No. 4 from Gencon Construction for work completed to date on <br />the construction of the Hanifl Fields Athletic Park shelter. Public Works Director Scott <br />Anderson and Senior Engineering Technician Steve Duff have reviewed the pay request and <br />found it to be satisfactory for work completed to date on the project. Adoption of the Consent <br />Agenda approved Pay Request No. 4 from Gencon Construction for work completed to date on <br />the construction the Hanifl Fields Athletic Park Shelter in the amount of $76,061.75. <br />Approve Interim Use Permit for Offsite Directional Sign for Prairie Village <br />The applicant is requesting approval of an off-site directional sign for the residential <br />neighborhood development known as "Prairie Village". The sign is currently placed at the <br />northeast corner of 158th Street and Elmcrest Avenue. The property is owned by Dorothy Nesser <br />and is 40 acres in size. The applicant would like to direct prospective buyers to the development <br />with the placement of the sign. The sign is approximately 10 feet from the right-of-way of <br />Elmcrest Avenue and 20 feet from the right-of-way of 158th Street. This results in the sign <br />being 37 feet from the edge of Elmcrest Avenue and 34 feet from the curb of 158th Street. The <br />sign ordinance allows temporary off-site directional signs to direct traffic to residential <br />developments with approval of an interim use permit. At its October 14, 2010, meeting the <br />Planning Commission considered this request and recommended approval. Adoption of the <br />Consent Agenda approved RESOLUTION 2010-52 APPROVING AN INTERIM USE <br />PERMIT FOR A TEMPORARY OFF-SITE RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT DIECTIONAL <br />SIGN TO BE LOCATED ON PROPERTY AT 15815 ELMCREST AVENUE NORTH. <br />Approve Resolution for Revisions to Assessment Policy Regarding Senior Deferment <br />The City Council adopted its current Assessment Policy with Resolution 2008-09 on March 17, <br />2008. City staff has received an application for a Senior Citizen deferral, and discovered a <br />discrepancy within the current Assessment Policy related to eligibility. The policy states that <br />anyone 65 years of age or older can apply for a assessment deferral, whether or not they turn 65 <br />before or during the assessment period. For example, a person that turns 65 at year 5 of a ten- <br />year assessment is eligible for a deferral of the remainder of the assessment. The application <br />instructions, however, state that a person has to apply for a deferral within 30 days of the <br />adoption of the assessment which is in conflict with the eligibility criteria. Staff recommended a <br />modification to the application instructions to remove the 30 -day restriction. Adoption of the <br />Consent Agenda approved RESOLUTION NO. 2010-53 ADOPTING SPECIAL <br />ASSESSMENT POLICIES <br />Approve Application for Senior Deferral for Road Assessment <br />On October 7, 2010, the Finance Department received and Application for Deferment of Special <br />Assessments signed by Larry Funk of 14900 Foxhill Avenue. He is requesting that the <br />assessment for the Hugo Elementary Street Reconstruction Project be deferred as per the terms <br />of the approved resolution. Adoption of the Consent Agenda approved the Application for <br />Deferment of Special Assessment for Larry Funk. <br />