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Hugo City Council Minutes for June 15, 2009 <br />Page 5 of 9 <br />member of the daytime response team. Adoption of the Consent Agenda approved the annual <br />performance review for Utility Billing Clerk Jodie Guareschi. <br />Approve Annual Performance Review for Public Works Lead Worker Tom Smith <br />Tom Smith was hired by the City of Hugo on June 26, 2000. Tom has worked hard over the past <br />nine years and is a valued member and leader in the public works department team. As lead <br />worker, Tom provides direction to full time and summer seasonal staff on an as -needed basis in <br />the absence of the Public Works Director. Tom is a dedicated, loyal, and conscientious member <br />of the Public Works Department Team. Tom is respected for getting the job done. Adoption of <br />the Consent Agenda approved the annual performance review for Public Works Lead Worker <br />Tom Smith. <br />Approve Request for a One -Year Extension for Oneka Square Preliminary Plat and PUD <br />General Plan <br />At its June 18, 2007 meeting, the Council approved a preliminary plat, rezoning, and PUD <br />general plan for the Oneka Square retail development located at the northeast corner of 120th <br />Street and Highway 61. At its July 7, 2008 meeting, the Council approved a one-year extension <br />of the Council's approval. The project has not been built to date. The applicant has requested <br />another one-year extension of the Council's approval for the Oneka Square preliminary plat and <br />PUD general plan. Adoption of the Consent Agenda approved the one-year extension of the <br />preliminary plat, and PUD General Plan for Oneka Square. <br />Approve Donation to the Hugo Lions for Weather Radios <br />On Friday, June 5, 2009, Mayor Fran Miron and City Administrator Mike Ericson spoke with <br />Hugo Lions and Long Term Disaster Recovery Committee Chair Jim Gondek in regard to the <br />purchase of weather radios, which will be distributed to the survivors of the May 25, 2008 <br />tornado disaster. Included as well in the distribution will be the sale of the weather radios to <br />interested residents for the discounted price of $30. The Long Term Disaster Recovery <br />Committee's goal is to educate and inform residents of proper safety procedures for severe <br />weather and tornado awareness. Mayor Fran Miron agreed to recommend to the City Council <br />the donation of $1,500 to the Hugo Lions, which will be used to purchase additional weather <br />radios. Adoption of the Consent Agenda approved the donation of $1,500 to the Hugo Lions for <br />the purchase of weather radios to be distributed free to residents in the "hot zone" and available <br />for any other residents for $30. <br />Adopt Resolution Approving Minor Subdivision for Jim Leroux at 16629 Elmcrest Ave. <br />The applicant is requesting approval of a minor subdivision to create two residential lots on a <br />42.3 acre parcel located on the north side of 165th Street North, east of Elmcrest Avenue North. <br />The result of the minor subdivision will be two parcels that are 10 acres and 32 acres in size. At <br />its May 28, 2009 meeting, the Planning Commission held a public hearing on the request for the <br />minor subdivision. There was no one that spoke at the public hearing. The Planning <br />Commission discussed the request and unanimously recommended approval to the City Council <br />