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Hugo City Council Minutes for July 6, 2009 <br />Page 4 of 11 <br />management solutions and water re -use options that can be applied on a regional scale to the <br />benefit of the City and RCWD as a whole. Adoption of the Consent Agenda approved the cost - <br />share agreement for Urban Stormwater Remediation Project. <br />Approve Donations from Postal Credit Union, Lake Area Bank, and Premier Bank for the <br />Business Retention & Expansion Program <br />At its June 15, 2009 meeting, the Economic Development Authority (EDA) was pleased to <br />accept donations from three area finical institutions for support of the City's Business Retention <br />and Expansion Program. The EDA accepted donations from Brant Gustafson from Postal Credit <br />Union for $1,875, Kristen Quigley from Lake Area Bank for $500, and Joe Houle from Premier <br />Bank for $500. EDA President Fran Miron and members of the EDA accepted the donations on <br />behalf of the EDA and recommended to the City Council the public recognition of the donations. <br />Adoption of the Consent Agenda approved the donations from Postal Credit Union, Lake Area <br />Bank, and Premier Bank for the City's Business Retention and Expansion Program. <br />Approve Completion of Firefighter I and Haz-Mat Training for Firefighter Robert Bienick <br />Robert Bienick has completed the first phase of his probationary training with the completion of <br />Firefighter I and Haz-Mat Training. Adoption of the Consent Agenda approved the completion <br />of Firefighter I and Haz-Mat training for firefighter Robert Bienick. <br />Approve Completion of Firefighter I and Haz-Mat Training for Firefighter Jessie Seering <br />Jessie Seering has completed the first phase of his probationary training with the completion of <br />Firefighter I and Haz-Mat Training. Adoption of the Consent Agenda approved the completion <br />of Firefighter I and Haz-Mat training for firefighter Jessie Seering. <br />Approve Completion of Fire Instructor I and Apparatus Operator 3 Training for <br />Firefighter David Jensen <br />David Jensen has completed Fire Instructor I and Apparatus Operator 3 Training. This training <br />is above and beyond the standard requirements of the department. Dave Jensen has shown an <br />interest and excelled in the driving and education of the new trucks. Dave is the first member of <br />the Hugo Fire Department to be state certified at the apparatus level. Fire Chief Jim Compton <br />congratulates Dave for his continuing interest in achieving higher education in the department <br />Adoption of the Consent Agenda approved the completion of Fire Instructor I and Apparatus <br />Operator 3 Training for Fighfighter David Jensen. <br />Approve Probationary Period of Mike Childs and Appointment of Firefighter <br />Fire Chief Jim Compton is pleased to inform Council Mike Childs has completed the required <br />certifications of Fire Fighterl, 2, and EMT -B during his probation period, which ended on June <br />18, 2008. Adoption of the Consent Agenda approved removing Mike Childs from his <br />probationary status and given rank of Firefighter in the Hugo Fire Department. <br />