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2009.07.06 CC Minutes
City Council
City Council Minutes
2009 CC Minutes
2009.07.06 CC Minutes
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Hugo City Council Minutes for July 6, 2009 <br />Page 7 of 11 <br />Discussion on Ordinance Violation at 6128 Goodview Circle (Beniamin Carter) <br />In March of 2009, the City received a formal complaint of a home occupation located at 6128 <br />Goodview Trail Circle N. The property owner, Benjamin Carter, resides at the home. The <br />complaint consisted of several business related vehicles and a business related trailer that were <br />parked on the property. On March 26, 2009 staff inspected the property and documented two <br />business related vehicles and one business related trailer located on the property. In the urban <br />residential zoning districts of the city, a resident is allowed one business related vehicle; trailers <br />are not permitted. Furthermore, staff followed up with the complaint on two other occasions, <br />May 14, 2009 and June 18, 2009. On all three occasions, a letter was sent to the property <br />owner. Staff as well as the City Attorney has spoken with the property owner and his attorney <br />in regards to this matter. Ben Carter was present at the meeting and discussed with Council the <br />possibility of a "use" variance, but City Attorney Dave Snyder was doubtful he would meet the <br />criteria for the City to grant that type of variance. Also discussed was a variance to allow an <br />oversize building to store the vehicle. Ben stated he had recently pulled a permit to construct a <br />22' X 12' shed, which would not be big enough. Ben also stated he subcontracted for Fireside <br />Hearth and Home, and he now spends $400 per month for storage of his vehicle. He said he does <br />a lot of work in Hugo, so not being able to store it on his property is an inconvenience and he <br />also risks having it vandalized. <br />Miron made motion, Klein seconded, to direct staff to provide Ben Carter information regarding <br />variance criteria, provide him a copy of the recreational vehicle ordinance, and continue working <br />with him if he wishes to pursue a variance. <br />All Ayes. Motion carried. <br />Discussion on Scoping Estimate for Underground Power Lines on TH 61- John Wertish, <br />Xcel Energy <br />At its March 12, 2009 meeting, the Hugo City Council discussed the potential of undergrounding the <br />power lines on the east side of TH61 along Egg Lake in the City's downtown area. Council directed <br />City staff to work with John Wertish at Xcel Energy to proceed further in regard to a scoping <br />estimate of costs related to the undergrounding of the power lines. Staff met recently with John <br />Wertish to discuss the scoping estimate, as well as financing options. John was unable to attend this <br />Council meeting, so City Engineer Jay Kennedy provided the Council with an overview of the <br />potential project, which would consist of undergrounding the power lines approximately 1/z mile <br />along TH61 from Frenchmen Road north to 150th Street. The cost of the project to the City would <br />be the cost of undergrounding the power lines less the cost of the standard overhead construction, <br />which would be $1,585,000. Payment options could be a surcharge each month to Xcel customers, <br />direct pay, or a combination of direct pay and surcharges. Jay explained the Council's options were <br />to not put the lines underground, complete the entire undergrounding project and have staff develop <br />a funding plan, or construct a phase of the project at this time. Mayor Miron also suggested <br />constructing the lines with painted metal poles similar to those used in the western part of the City <br />along Frenchman Road. The Council had several question including what the cost would be if more <br />aesthetically pleasing poles were used instead of the standard, if the surcharge would also apply to <br />
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