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2008.01.22CC Minutes
City Council
City Council Minutes
2008 CC Minutes
2008.01.22CC Minutes
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10/26/2017 1:46:03 PM
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10/2/2014 11:16:13 AM
City Council
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City Council Meeting of January 22, 2008 <br />Page 3 of 7 <br />suggested revisions and modifications to the policy, which Council supported and directed the <br />City Engineer to prepare the final revision to the City policy regarding street reconstruction and <br />street assessments and place it on the next regularly scheduled Council meeting. Staff had <br />received a phone call and several emails from residents requesting the Council table action on <br />the revised policy. After further discussion, Mayor Miron proposed that staff schedule a public <br />hearing on the Assessment Policy. The Mayor asked those residents to let their concerns be <br />known to City staff. <br />Miron made motion, Petryk seconded, to hold a public hearing and neighborhood meeting on <br />February 25, 2008 at 7:00 p.m. <br />All aye. Motion carried. <br />DISCUSSION ON FINAL PLAT FOR SUNSET SHORES AND REQUEST FOR AN <br />EXTENSION <br />In 2007, the Hugo City Council accepted a request from David Wlaschin and the Wlaschin <br />family for an extension for the filing of the final plat for the Sunset Shores development, which <br />included the development of 39 homes on 143 acres on which 85 acres would be preserved as <br />open space with the use of a conservation easement. Since that time, Dave Wlaschin and his <br />family members determined they needed an extension on the project due to the downturn in the <br />housing market. Specifically, the Wlaschin family requested a two-year extension and an <br />optional six-month extension if necessary from the City of Hugo for the filing of the final plat for <br />the Sunset Shores residential development. <br />Victoria Hoffbeck, 8110 120th Street North, opposed to the extension saying it would be a <br />discriminatory action by the Council. <br />Kathy Scobie (Wlaschin), 7676 120th Street, who is a member of the Wlaschin family, explained <br />the need for the extension and asked the Council to consider a 2 %z -year extension with the <br />understanding the family could request an additional extension at any time prior to the expiration <br />date. <br />Petryk made motion, Puleo seconded, to approve the request for a 2 t/2 -year extension to August <br />17, 2010, for the filing of the Sunset Shores residential development plat. <br />All aye. Motion carried <br />UPDATE ON JANUARY 101H- JOINT MEETING WITH THE PLANNING <br />COMMISSION ON THE 2008 COMPREHENSIVE PLAN <br />On Thursday, January 10, 2008, City Council held a joint meeting with the Planning <br />Commission to discuss the final draft of the 2008 Comprehensive Plan. A detailed PowerPoint <br />presentation featured proposed chapters of the 2008 Comprehensive Plan, which were presented <br />by City staff and supported by the City Council and Planning Commission. Community <br />Development Director Bryan Bear provided Council and the public with a formal update on the <br />January 10 joint meeting, noting there would be further discussion on cluster housing with <br />members of the Council and Planning Commission who had attended the January 10 joint <br />
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