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City Council Meeting of February 4, 2008 <br />Page 6 of 7 <br />UPDATE ON NEW LOCATION FOR HUGO COMMUNITY FOOD SHELF <br />City staff has been working with Kim Corbett, the director for the Hugo Community Food Shelf, <br />for the past several months in order to discuss a new location for the Hugo Community Food <br />Shelf, which is currently housed out of a mobile home next to the Rice Lake Park building. As <br />Council is aware, Hosanna Lutheran Church from Forest Lake operates the Global Gallery gift <br />store in the Victor Marketplace shopping center. Pastor Michael Sparby has been working with <br />Food Shelf Director Kim Corbett and determined that they can provide a new location for the <br />Hugo Community Food Shelf in the Global Gallery store, specifically in a rear storage room. <br />Pastor Michael Sparby and Global Gallery has received authorization from United Properties, <br />who lease the building, and they have agreed to support the use of the storage room in the rear of <br />the store. City Administrator announced to the Council and public the new location of the Hugo <br />Community Food Shelf in the Global Gallery gift store which is located in the Victor <br />Marketplace shopping center. The Mayor noted the location would not serve their long-term <br />needs and acknowledged staff would continue to work with Hosanna Lutheran Church and the <br />Hugo Community Food Shelf to find a long-term solution. No formal action was taken. <br />DISCUSSION ON STORMWATER USE AND REUSE PROPOSAL <br />At its 2007 annual goal setting session, the Hugo City Council discussed the City Street <br />Assessment Policy as it relates to the importance of stormwater ponding for the protection of <br />creeks, streams, and lakes. Council included in its 2007 City budget, funding for routine <br />maintenance of City stormwater ponds. At that meeting, Council Member Chuck Haas discussed <br />with members of the Council his interest in exploring innovations in stormwater ponding which <br />would include use and reuse of stormwater for irrigation. Water Resource Engineer Pete <br />Willenbring from WSB Engineers discussed with Council the City's current stormwater policy <br />as well as the proposal for use and reuse for stormwater ponding for irrigation purposes. He <br />explained the MN Public Works Environment Committee has compared cost versus benefits with <br />the use of Best Management Practices (BMP) to improve water quality, and he shared with the <br />Council their findings on water reuse, stormwater irrigation systems, and cost associated with <br />other water treatment systems. <br />Miron made motion, Granger seconded, to direct staff to include this item for presentation at the <br />upcoming I-35 W/E Coalition meeting and requested Willenbring present it at the meeting and <br />authorized development of a flowchart summarizing what was discussed. <br />All aye. Motion carried. <br />REPORT FROM MAYOR ON JANUARY 26 HUGO BUSINESS ASSOCIATION WARM <br />HEARTS FOR CHARITY EVENT AT HUGO AMERICAN LEGION <br />On January 26, 2008, the Hugo Business Association hosted its first annual Warm Hearts for <br />Charity Wine Tasting Event at the Hugo American Legion. Mayor Fran Miron, Council Member <br />Becky Petryk, and Council Member Frank Puleo were in attendance. They shared with members <br />of the Council and the public the activities involved with the wine tasting event and the over four <br />thousand dollars raised for a variety of charities by the Hugo Business Association and its <br />members. The Council complimented the Hugo Legion and Hugo Business Association Member <br />Debi Johnson who spearheaded the event. <br />