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City Council Meeting of March 17, 2008 <br />Page 2 of 8 <br />CONSENT AGENDA <br />Haas made motion, Puleo seconded, to approve the following Consent Agenda: <br />Approval of Claims <br />Approve Non -Intoxicating Off Sale Beer License and Tobacco License for Nadeaus Market and <br />New Owner Chang Thao <br />Approve Resolution Amending Development Agreement for Nor -Lakes Property <br />Approve Resignation of Planning Commissioner Kelly Bailly and Authorize Staff to Advertise <br />for Vacancy <br />Approve Appointment of Dennis Fields as New Community Development Assistant <br />Approve Six -Month Extension for Administrative Intern Nate Ehalt <br />Approve Purchase of 2008 Chevrolet Truck for Public Works Department and Transfer of 2006 <br />Chevrolet Truck to Fire Department <br />Accept MNOSHA Safety Grant and Approve Purchase of Truck Mounted Magnetic Manhole <br />Cover Lifting Device <br />Approve Authorization to Advertise for 2008 Public Works Seasonal Positions <br />Approve Mechanical Maintenance Contract for City Facilities <br />Approve Advertisement of Bid for 2008 Graveling Project <br />Approve Advertisement of Bid for 2008 Seal Coating and Crack Filling Projects <br />APPROVAL OF CLAIMS <br />Adoption of the Consent Agenda approved the claims roster as presented. <br />APPROVE NON -INTOXICATING OFF -SALE BEER LICENSE AND TOBACCO <br />LICENSE FOR NADEAUS MARKET AND NEW OWNER CHANG THAO <br />City staff has received an application for a non -intoxicating off -sale beer license and tobacco <br />license from Chang Thao, who is the new owner of Nadeaus Market. Staff has reviewed the <br />applications and found them to be satisfactory and complete. Adoption of the Consent Agenda <br />approved the issuance of a non -intoxicating off -sale beer license and tobacco license for Chang <br />Thao, new owner of Nadeaus Market. <br />APPROVE RESOLUTION APPROVING ASSIGNMENT AND ASSUMPTION OF <br />RIGHTS AND OBLIGATIONS (NOR -LAKES DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT) <br />On December 14, 1999, the City of Hugo entered into a development agreement with Nor -Lakes <br />Holding Co, LLC, for property located at 13615 Fenway Boulevard Court North in the Bald <br />Eagle Industrial Park. The agreement, among other things, required Nor -Lakes to meet <br />established wage and job goals and to guarantee the payment of tax increment to the City. Nor - <br />Lakes desires to sell the subject property to an Alabama company called 4L, LLC. Since the <br />property is in a TIF District, the development agreement needs to be reassigned to the new <br />owner to ensure that their obligations under the TIF Plan continue to be met. Adoption of the <br />Consent Agenda approved RESOLUTION 2008-8 APPROVING ASSIGNMENT AND <br />ASSUMPTION OF RIGHTS AND OBLIGATIONS. <br />