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City Council Meeting of July 7, 2008 <br />Page 3 of 10 <br />Approve Request for a One -Year Extension for Oneka Square Preliminary Plat and PUD General <br />Plan <br />At its June 18, 2007 meeting the Council approved a preliminary plat, rezoning, and PUD general plan <br />for the Oneka Square retail development located at the northeast corner of 120th Street and Highway 61. <br />The project has not been built to date. The applicant has requested a one-year extension of the Council's <br />approval for the Oneka Square preliminary plat and PUD general plan. Adoption of the Consent Agenda <br />approved the extension to the City Council. <br />Approve Revision to the City Personnel Policy <br />At a recent Employee Safety Committee meeting, City staff addressed the issue of foot protection on <br />construction sites for Building Inspectors. As Council is aware, the Hugo Public Works Department has <br />an allowance for the purchase of work boots by Public Works Employees. The Employee Safety <br />committee agreed that the application should be extended to building inspectors. Adoption of the <br />Consent Agenda approved the revision to the City Personnel Policy to allow building inspectors an <br />allowance of $100 for the purchase of work boots for safety purposes. <br />Approve Text Amendment to the Nuisance Ordinance Relating to Noise <br />Over the past year and a half the Code Enforcement Subcommittee has been working on ordinance text <br />amendments that include storage of recreational equipment, tall grass and noxious weeds, and dogs. The <br />subcommittee has finished working on a proposed noise ordinance that regulates car stereo systems. The <br />current City ordinance regarding noise states that "all unnecessary noises which tend to disturb the peace <br />and repose of neighboring residents" shall be considered a nuisance. The code enforcement <br />subcommittee has decided to concentrate on the nuisance of loud noise from car stereo systems and add <br />a portion to the ordinance for enforcement specifically for the nuisance of loud car stereo systems. The <br />Planning Commission considered the text amendment at a public hearing during their June 12, 2008 <br />meeting. There was no one that spoke at the public hearing on the text amendment. The Planning <br />Commission unanimously recommended to the City Council to approve the text amendment with <br />changes to the text adding all audio, not only music. Adoption of the Consent Agenda approved <br />adoption of ORDINANCE 2008-418 AMENDING CHAPTER 200 (NUISANCES) SECTION 4, <br />NUMBER 11 REGARDING NOISE and ORDINANCE 2008-419 AMENDING CHAPTER 320 <br />(COMPREHENSIVE LAND USE REGULATION) SECTION 1010-100.1 DEFINITIONS <br />Petryk made motion, Granger seconded, to direct staff to post signs at the entrances to the City stating <br />"Noise Ordinance Enforced" and to notify the Sheriff's Department of the ordinance. She also asked <br />that it be posted in the newspapers. <br />All aye. Motion carried. <br />Approve Text Amendment to the Nuisance Ordinance Relating to Junk Cars <br />The current City ordinance regarding junk vehicles states that it is a nuisance for any property to have <br />more than two junk vehicles on it at a time. The proposed ordinance will not allow junk vehicles on <br />properties in the urban area of the City that are developed. Properties that meet certain criteria will be <br />allowed to store no more than two junk vehicles, provided the vehicles are adequately screened from <br />adjacent properties and are not located on the grass in the front yard. All properties that have outdoor <br />storage of junk vehicles shall include a dwelling. The Planning Commission considered the text <br />