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2008.07.07 CC Minutes
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City Council Minutes
2008 CC Minutes
2008.07.07 CC Minutes
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City Council Meeting of July 7, 2008 <br />Page 5 of 10 <br />speed and at a less expensive rate. Adoption of the Consent Agenda approved the termination of the <br />contract with LightEdge Solutions and authorize staff to enter into a contract for Comcast Business <br />Internet which will provide a cost savings of more than 30% to the City of Hugo <br />Approve Hire of Jesse Seering as Probationary Hugo Firefighter <br />The Hugo Fire Department has been advertising for several months for probationary firefighters to <br />provide response time during day -time hours. Fire Chief Jim Compton is pleased to recommend to the <br />Hugo City Council the hiring of Jesse Seering as a probationary firefighter. Jesse works at JL <br />Schwieters and has signed an agreement with Schwieters which will allow him flexibility to respond to <br />medical and fire calls. Adoption of the Consent Agenda approved the hire of Jesse Seering as a <br />probationary firefighter, with the standard pre-employment physical, for a two year probation period. <br />Approve Authorization for HFD to Advertise for Sale of Old Fire Trucks: 1974 International <br />Tanker and 1974 International Pumper in Sealed Bid Process <br />As Council is aware, the Hugo Fire Department has been notified by truck manufacturer General Truck <br />that the City of Hugo will soon be in possession of the new 2008 tanker pumper truck authorized for <br />purchase earlier this year. In advance of the new receipt of the new pumper tanker, staff seeks <br />authorization from Council to conduct the sale of the 1974 International Tanker and the 1974 <br />International Pumper in a sealed bid process. Adoption of the Consent Agenda approved authorization <br />for the Hugo Fire Department to advertise for the sale of the 1974 International Tanker Fire Truck and <br />the 1974 International Pumper Fire Truck in a sealed bid process. <br />Approve Application from Lakes MN Deer Hunters Association Lakes Chapter for Event at <br />Blacksmith Lounge on September 27, 2008 <br />City staff has received a application from the MN Deer Hunters Association Lakes Chapter for charitable <br />gambling which will be held on September 27, 2008 at Wild Wings. City staff has reviewed the charitable <br />gambling application and found it to be satisfactory complete. Adoption of the Consent Agenda approved <br />the charitable gambling license for the MN Deer Hunters Association Lakes Chapter and its charitable <br />gambling activities to be held on Saturday, September 27, 2008 at Blacksmith Lounge. <br />Approve Text Amendment to the Zoning Ordinance Relating to Home Occupations <br />This item was removed from the Consent Agenda by Council Member Puleo. Tom Ryden, owner of <br />Tom's Sewer Service, applied for a home occupation interim use permit for his property in the rural area <br />of Hugo. The only criterion requiring him to apply for the permit is the number and size of business <br />vehicles stored on the property. He has a sewer pump truck over 9,200 pounds and a business van <br />stored on the property. The van would be allowed by the ordinance, but the sewer pump truck would <br />not be allowed with an interim use permit. Mr. Ryden asked the Council to consider allowing two <br />vehicles with a home occupation without obtaining an interim use permit. After the application was <br />submitted Tom Ryden sold the business and withdrew his application. At their December 3, 2007 <br />meeting, the City Council discussed this issue as requested by the property owner. They discussed the <br />vehicles that are used in the rural area of the City on farms and what kinds of home occupations are in <br />the rural areas of the City. They stated that it may be reasonable to allow two vehicles to be allowed on <br />property in the rural area of the City for a home occupation, with one exceeding the required 9,200 <br />pounds. The Planning Commission considered the text amendment at a public hearing during their June <br />12, 2008 meeting. There was no one that spoke on the text amendment at the meeting. The Planning <br />
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