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City Council Meeting of July 21, 2008 <br />Page 2 of 6 <br />Presentation of Donation to Hugo Relief Fund from Employees at Fairview <br />Employees from Fairview Lakes Health Services have donated their Personal Time Off (PTO) time to <br />the Fairview Foundation which has converted it to cash to be donated to the Hugo Relief Fund. <br />Employees Karyl Hylle, Carrie Gabriel and Dr. Nancy Darling from the Fairview Hugo Clinic attended <br />the meeting to present the City with a check for $10,773.71 to be deposited into the Hugo Relief Fund at <br />US Bank. Karyl explained the employees donated 436 hours of paid time -off. Kyle Johnson, Case <br />Manager for the long term recovery effort, explained that the Long Term Recovery Committee is <br />working with the City to help those who suffered loss by the tornado. Mayor Miron publicly thanked <br />the Fairview employees for their generous donation. <br />Presentation of Camp Noah Report — Lutheran Social Services and Hosanna Lutheran Church <br />Kyle Johnson, case worker for Lutheran Social Services, explained Camp Noah was held at the Oneka <br />Elementary the week of July 7-11. Fifty-eight children from age groups K-5 attended the week long day <br />camp. The camp focused on rebuilding the image children had of the tornado that devastated Hugo on <br />May 25, 2008, through the story of Noah and the ark. During the week, the children talked about their <br />experience, made crafts, visited a farm, and had guest speakers, such as Belinda Jensen from TV station <br />KARE 11. The camp wrapped up on Friday, July 11, with a program for the families of the children <br />who had been at Camp Noah. The camp was well attended by children and the transformation of the <br />children could be seen on all their faces. Monica Allen, Camp Coordinator from Hosanna Lutheran <br />Church, talked about the over 35 volunteers from the church who helped with the event. Mayor Fran <br />Miron thanked Lutheran Social Services and Hosanna Lutheran Church on behalf of the families and <br />children who were victims of the May 25, 2008 tornado. <br />Recognition of Resignation of Public Works Director Chris Petree <br />On July 19, 1999, Chris Petree was hired by the City of Hugo as the new maintenance worker. Over the <br />past nine years, starting with his first day on the job, Chris has demonstrated a loyalty and commitment <br />to the City of Hugo that is second to none. His excellent work ethic and conscientious attitude on the <br />job is well known and well respected by his co-workers, residents, contractors, and business owners he's <br />dealt with over the past nine years. Chris recently accepted the City of Lakeville Public Works Director <br />position with his last day of employment with the City of Hugo on Friday, July 25, 2008. Staff has <br />prepared a resolution which highlights some of Chris's major accomplishments which have involved a <br />high level of trust and commitment from the Hugo City Council as well as the residents and his Public <br />Works Department employees. Chris Petree made a difference in the City of Hugo and he will be <br />deeply missed. Fran Miron publicly recognized and thanked Chris for his nine years of dedicated <br />service to the City of Hugo and presented him with the framed resolution while wishing him, his wife <br />Nora, and daughter Greta all the very best in their new life together in the City of Lakeville. Chris <br />thanked the Council for the opportunity he was given at the City of Hugo. <br />Miron made motion, Petryk seconded, to approve RESOLUTION 2008-36 RECOGNIZING CHRIS <br />PETREE FOR HIS NINE YEARS OF DEDICATED SERVICE AS THE PUBLIC WORKS <br />DIRECTOR FOR THE CITY OF HUGO, MINNESOTA <br />Upon roll call voting aye: Petryk, Puleo, Haas, Miron <br />Motion carried. <br />