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Hugo City Council Minutes October 6, 2008 <br />Page 4 of 9 <br />Approve Variance for Shoreland Setback for an Addition at 12727 Homestead Drive - Brvan and <br />Megan Schmidt <br />Brian and Megan Schmidt live at 12727 Homestead Drive North, and are requesting a variance to <br />construct a building addition 64.5 feet from the ordinary high water (OHW) mark of Sunset Lake where <br />100 feet is required by ordinance. Hugo City Code, Chapter 320, Section 1155, classifies Sunset Lake as <br />a Recreational Development Lake and requires a 100 foot setback for all structures located on the lake. <br />The addition would meet all other building setback requirements. At its September 25, 2008 meeting, <br />the Board of Zoning Appeals held a public hearing on the request for Brian and Megan Schmidt. There <br />was no one that spoke at the public hearing besides the applicant. The Board approved the variance <br />request by a vote of 2-0. Adoption of the Consent Agenda approved RESOLUTION 2008-43 <br />APPROVING VARIANCES FOR BRIAN AND MEGAN SCHMIDT IN THE RURAL <br />RESIDENTIAL ZONING DISTRICT ON PROPERTY LOCATED AT 12727 HOMESTEAD DRIVE <br />NORTH. <br />Approve Appointment Adam Greeder as Apprentice Public Works Worker <br />At its September 12, 2008 Budget Workshop, the Hugo City Council listened to a presentation from <br />Finance Director Ron Otkin as he explained revenues and expenditures to date from the City in 2008. <br />Ron discussed with Council the projections and proposals for 2009 which include the need for an <br />additional Public Works Maintenance Worker. Ron shared with Council the interest of summer <br />seasonal employee Adam Greeder as a potential Apprentice Public Works Worker. Public Works <br />Director Scott Anderson has approached Adam and he is very interested in the position. Council <br />directed staff to place this item on the next regularly scheduled agenda for consideration by Council. <br />Adoption of the Consent Agenda approved Adam Greeder as Apprentice Public Works Maintenance <br />Worker subject to the standard pre-employment physical and six-month probationary period. <br />Approve Six-month Probationary Period for Community Development Assistant Dennis Fields <br />and Appoint as Regular Employee <br />Dennis Fields was hired by the City of Hugo on March 10, 2008 as the City's new Community <br />Development Assistant replacing Michele Lindau who was appointed as the new City Clerk. Dennis's <br />work in the Community Development Department over the past six months has been excellent as he has <br />taken over the primary role as the City's GIS Technician providing the City with a wide variety of <br />mapping, most importantly the critical maps of the Waters Edge and Creekview Preserve <br />Neighborhoods which were invaluable for the emergency response to the May 25, 2008 Tornado <br />Disaster. Dennis provides a wide variety of duties to the Community Development Department, both at <br />the Planning Commission meetings and front counter customer service, and monitoring the housing <br />foreclosures within the City. Dennis has excellent communication skills, good organizational skills, and <br />a good sense of humor. Adoption of the Consent Agenda approved the satisfactory completion of the <br />six-month probationary period for Community Development Assistant Dennis Fields, and appoint him <br />as a regular employee for the City of Hugo. <br />Approve Reimbursement to City Employees for Damage to Personal Vehicles <br />On May 25, 2008, the City of Hugo was hit by a tornado that devastated several parts of the City. <br />Firefighters and other city employees immediately responded to the devastated areas, many of them in <br />their personal vehicles. Following the tornado, these areas were then hit by severe winds and large hail. <br />Many of these personal vehicles were damaged by this large hail. Discussions in the days following this <br />