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City Council meeting of March 5, 2007 <br />Page 3 <br />APPROVE TEMPORARY ON -SALE LIQUOR LICENSE FOR NORTH STAR GAY RODEO <br />EVEN ON JUNE 29.2007 - JULY 1, 2007 AT THE DEAD BROKE ARENA <br />The North Star Gay Rodeo (NSGR) holds its annual rodeo event at the Dead Broke Saddle Club. The <br />NSGR made application to the City for a temporary on -sale liquor license in order to sell beer at the <br />event. This is the fifth year of the event in the City and their goal is to make the rodeo safe and <br />enjoyable for everyone. They have secured the security services of two Washington County sheriff <br />deputies, in addition to their regular security staff. City staff received the standard liquor liability <br />insurance naming the City as an additional insured. Adoption of the Consent Agenda approved the <br />temporary on -sale liquor license for the NSGR event scheduled for June 29, 2007 to July 1, 2007 at the <br />Dead Broke arena. <br />APPROVE APPLICATION FROM RICCI'S FOR RENEWAL OF 2:00 AM CLOSING <br />Ricci's Bar and Grill submitted an application to the City for renewal of their 2:00 am closing license. <br />City staff reviewed the application and found it to be satisfactorily complete. Adoption of the Consent <br />Agenda approved renewal the 2:00 am closing time for Ricci's. <br />APPROVE AUTHORIZATION TO SUBMIT SEALED BID FOR USED JETTER FROM THE <br />CITY OF APPLE VALLEY <br />City staff has been working on a formal sanitary and storm sewer policy and budgeted $325,000 in the <br />2007 CIP for the purchase of a combination sewer/jetter vacuum unit. Staff is aware of a unit that has <br />become available through a sealed bid process from the City of Apple Valley. This unit is only a sewer <br />jetter and the City would potentially need to buy a trailer mounted vacuum unit if the City was <br />successful in acquiring the jetter unit through the sealed bid process. The minimum bid on this piece of <br />equipment is $17,000. The estimated total cost to acquire both the used jetter and a new trailer mounted <br />vacuum unit ranges from $55,000 to $65,000, significantly less than the amount budgeted in the CIP. <br />Staff feels that this is an excellent opportunity to purchase a quality piece of used equipment at a <br />significantly reduced price. Staff has met with Councilmember Mike Granger and he is in agreement <br />that the City should place a sealed bid on this piece of equipment. Immediately, this piece of equipment <br />would be utilized for emergency purposes and scheduled maintenance. The League of Minnesota Cities <br />Insurance Trust (LMCIT) has recommended that we purchase a piece of equipment similar to this for <br />emergency and maintenance purposes. The City could potentially utilize this equipment more as a <br />formal sanitary and storm sewer policy is approved and maintenance responsibilities could increase. <br />Adoption of the Consent Agenda authorized staff to place a sealed bid on the jetter from the City of <br />Apple Valley. <br />APPROVE ACCEPTANCE OF PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS FOR NORTHERN PINES <br />SUBDIVISION <br />Masterpiece Homes, developer, requested the City accept the newly constructed public improvements in <br />the Northern Pines development. Acceptance of the improvements would begin a one-year warranty <br />period. At the end of one year, the project would be considered complete and maintenance activities <br />would become the responsibility of the City. The City will continue to hold the existing Letter of Credit <br />during the one year warranty period. Adoption of the Consent Agenda approved acceptance of the <br />