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City Council meeting of March 5, 2007 <br />Page 5 <br />Puleo made motion Granger seconded, directing staff to contact the property owners regarding the need <br />for trimming/brushing in the ditch along TH61 and railroad right-of-way near the Hugo Post Office. If <br />unable to solicit cooperation from property owners to perform the work, public works staff will complete <br />the work. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />DISCUSSION ON FEBRUARY 26.2007 PUBLIC WORKSHOP FOR THE COMPREHENSIVE <br />PLAN <br />On Monday, February 26, 2007, the City of Hugo hosted the first of the public open houses for work on <br />the City's 2008 comprehensive plan. The open house was well attended by Hugo residents, at which <br />they provided staff with comments and suggestions in regard to revisions for the visions to the 2008 <br />comp plan. CD Director Bryan Bear provided Council with an update on comprehensive plan activities, <br />as well as a preliminary schedule for 2007. He will discuss the work at the next Council meeting. No <br />formal Council action was taken. <br />UPDATE ON OAKSHORE PARK PUBLIC IMPROVEMENT PROJECT AND SCHEDULE <br />NEIGHBOR MEETING <br />As affected property owners, Council members Petryk and Granger removed themselves from the <br />Council dais and any discussion on this matter. On Friday, March 2, 2007, the Oakshore Park <br />Homeowners Association held another meeting to discuss the public improvement project slated for its <br />neighborhood in 2007. As Council is aware, staff completed the required purchase agreement document, <br />which has turned over ownership of the 10 -acre to the City. City Engineer Jay Kennedy provided <br />Council with an update on scheduling of public improvement activities, as well as the next <br />neighborhood meeting on March 15, 2007. No formal Council action was taken. <br />Council members Petryk and Granger returned to the Council dais. <br />DISCUSSION ON RURAL AND OPEN SPACE PRESERVATION ORDINANCE <br />Council member Haas requested further discussion on this matter to assure that the Planning <br />Commission has a clear directive from Council as to the scope of their discussions regarding this matter. <br />Mayor Fran Miron will attend the Planning Commission's meeting of March 8, 2007 to clarify Council <br />wishes. No formal Council action was taken. <br />DISCUSSION ON WATER'S EDGE HOMEOWNERS ASSOCIATION <br />Staff received comments and concerns from residents related to the Home Owners Association <br />covenants within the Waters Edge subdivision. Within the last several months, questions have arisen <br />about items such as property maintenance, storage of items on site, restrictions on occupancy of dwelling <br />units, sales practices, and other items. City staff has begun evaluating the proper role, if any, that the <br />City should have in these discussions related to HOA covenants and enforcement procedures. <br />Puleo made motion, Petryk seconded, directing the CD Director and City Attorney to prepare a formal <br />