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City Council meeting of July 2, 2007 <br />Page 4 <br />APPROVE PAY REQUEST #1 FROM PETERSON COMPANIES FOR WORK COMPLETED <br />TO DATE ON CSAH 8 IRRIGATION AND LANDSCAPING PROJECT <br />On January 2, 2007, Council awarded the bid for the CSAH 8 Landscaping and Irrigation project to <br />Peterson Companies of Chisago City. For the past month, workers for Peterson Companies have worked <br />on the project and have installed irrigation system components and approximately 300 trees. Peterson <br />Companies has submitted pay request #1 for work completed to date on the project. Senior Engineering <br />Technician Scott Anderson has reviewed the pay request, made appropriate changes, and is confident <br />that it is consistent for work completed to date on the project. City staff recommended approval of pay <br />request #1 in the amount of $211,928.60 for work completed to date on the CSAH 8 Landscaping and <br />Irrigation project. <br />Because Council members Becky Petryk and Mike Granger are residents of Oakshore Park, the <br />following Consent Agenda items were removed for separate action. <br />Haas made motion, Puleo seconded, to approve the following matters relating to the Oakshore Park <br />Public Improvement project: <br />APPROVE REQUEST FOR SENIOR CITIZEN ASSESSMENT DEFERRAL FOR OAKSHORE <br />PARK P.I. PROJECT (DWYER) <br />In 2006, the Hugo City Council adopted a resolution establishing a program to defer payment of special <br />assessments for senior citizens. An application for deferment was submitted to the City of Hugo by <br />Terrance and Victoria Dwyer, who live at 12666 Ethan Avenue. They are requesting that their <br />assessment for the Oakshore Park street and utility project be deferred, as per the terms of the program. <br />City staff has reviewed the application and found it to be satisfactorily completed. City staff <br />recommended approval of the application for senior citizen assessment deferral for Terrance and <br />Victoria Dwyer living at 12666 Ethan Avenue and costs associated with the Oakshore Park P.I. project. <br />APPROVE PAY REQUEST FROM ARCON CONSTUCTION INC. FOR WORK COMPLETED <br />TO DATE ON OAKSHORE PUBLIC IMPROVEMENT PROJECT <br />On June 4, 2007, Council awarded the bid for the Oakshore public improvement project to Arcon <br />Construction Company Inc. For the past several weeks, construction workers for Arcon Construction <br />have working on the project installing sanitary sewer and water mains. Arcon Construction has <br />submitted pay request #1 for work completed to date on the project. Senior Engineering Technician <br />Scott Anderson reviewed the pay request and found it to be consistent for work completed to date on the <br />project. Adoption of the Consent Agenda approved pay request #1 in the amount of $102,300.74 for <br />work completed to date on the Oakshore public improvement project. <br />VOTING AYE: Haas, Puleo, Miron <br />ABSTAINED: Granger and Petryk <br />Motion Carried. <br />