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2007.07.16 CC Minutes
City Council
City Council Minutes
2007 CC Minutes
2007.07.16 CC Minutes
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City Council meeting of July 16, 2007 <br />Page 3 <br />crosswalks, and other pavement markings. Adoption of the Consent Agenda approved the purchase of <br />the line striper and small utility trailer at the cost of $7,335. <br />APPROVE $20.000 GRANT APPLICATION TO MET COUNCIL FOR THE <br />COMPREHENSIVE PLAN <br />The City has been notified by the Metropolitan Council of an opportunity to receive $20,000 in grant <br />money toward the update to the City's 2008 Comprehensive Plan. This grant money would be in <br />addition to the $40,000 loan the City has already received from the Met Council for this purpose. <br />Adoption of the Consent Agenda adopted Resolution 2007-33 authorizing staff to submit the grant <br />application. <br />CONSIDER AMENDMENT TO RURAL & OPEN SPACE PRESERVATION ORDINANCE aka <br />OPEN SPACE PRESERVATION ORDINANCE <br />At its June 4, 2007 meeting, Council discussed the recently revised and renamed Open Space <br />Preservation Ordinance. Council directed staff to publish for a public hearing and post revisions to the <br />ordinance on the City's website and make it available at the front counter at City Hall. The Planning <br />Commission recommended approval of the ordinance on May 24, 2007 by a vote of four to one with one <br />abstention. CD Director Bryan Bear provided Council with a PowerPoint presentation outlining the <br />background of the ordinance, including the proposed revisions. The City has previously granted <br />subdivision approval to Sunset Shores and Enchanted Waters under the existing ordinance and were <br />granted one year extensions to complete the process. Council member Haas requested the City Attorney <br />provide a legal opinion stating the status of the developments when their extensions expire. Mayor <br />Miron opened the public hearing. <br />Jim Laumer, 12623 Homestead Drive, questioned: physically integrating neighborhoods; minimum lot <br />size; clustering homes and calling it "open space"; and homeowners' associations control of open space <br />area. <br />Steve Wlaschin, 7755 125h Street, stated that because of the huge cost to install a community well, a <br />bonus density points should be awarded. A bonus should be awarded for a third party easement holder. <br />The elimination of bonus densities will make it difficult to get developers. <br />Kathy Scobie, 7676 120' Street, agreed that a density bonus should be granted due to high cost of the <br />community well. There are not enough bonuses to encourage a developer and land will be subdivided <br />into stove pipe lots. <br />With no more comments, Mayor Miron closed the public hearing. Council discussed at great length the <br />reason for creation of the open space ordinance, the time spent to create the ordinance, the recent time <br />spent to consider revising it, density bonuses, and the need for such an ordinance to prevent expansion of <br />the MUSA. Mayor Miron deviated from the discussion stating that he was of the opinion that the rural <br />community was not in favor of the cluster/open space/rural preservation ordinance and that the ordinance <br />may be ahead of its time, and whether it should be abolished. He felt that public participation in the <br />2008 Comprehensive Plan process would dictate the outcome for rural development. CD Director Bryan <br />Bear suggested Council could also consider a moratorium but Council did wish to use this option. <br />
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