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City Council meeting of July 16, 2007 <br />Page 4 <br />Council member Puleo suggested that Council, once again, open the issue up for public discussion/input. <br />Miron made motion, Petryk seconded, to table discussion amending the rural and open space ordinance <br />to allow staff to review Council comments with respect to bonus issues and schedule a special Council <br />meeting for August 13, 2007, 7:00 pm, and invite the public to comment on this issue. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />SOUTH ETHAN AVENUE NEIGHBORHOOD MEETING UPDATE <br />City staff and Council member Petryk met with residents in the Ethan Avenue neighborhood on June 26, <br />2007 regarding possible improvements to the public streets and utilities in the neighborhood. Residents <br />at the meeting were very interested in participating in public improvements within the neighborhood. <br />City Engineer Jay Kennedy presented to Council the possible next steps that would result in construction <br />of the improvements in 2008. Council member Granger suggested that the City Engineer obtain firm <br />cost numbers for the project for submission to property owners and ask that they submit a petition. <br />Council member Petryk felt strongly that property owners would favor the project is the assessment was <br />per lot rather than by front frontage. <br />Miron made motion, Granger seconded, directing staff to provide utility cost figures to property owners <br />and request that they submit a petition to the City for such improvements. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />HANSEN GRAVEL PIT NEIGHBORHOOD MEETING UPDATE <br />At its June 18, 2007 meeting, Council listened to a presentation from CD Director Bryan Bear regarding <br />recent reclamation activities at the Hansen gravel pit. Council voted to schedule a neighborhood <br />meeting to discuss the final reclamation work. The meeting was held on Thursday, July 12 and was <br />attended by Mayor Miron and Council member Haas. <br />Miron made motion, Petryk seconded, to table this item until the Council meeting of August 6, 2007. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />APPROVE RECOMMENDATION FROM PLANNING COMMISSION FOR AMENDMENT <br />TO CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT FOR BALD EAGLE SPORTSMAN ASSOCATION GUN <br />CLUB <br />As a member of BESA, Council member Frank Puleo did not participate in discussion of this issue. The <br />Bald Eagle Sportsman Association, 6557 125h Street North, applied for an amended Special Use Permit <br />(SUP) to make it consistent with the recently adopted state law. At its June 14, 2007 meeting, the <br />Planning Commission held a public hearing, which was attended by several residents and members of <br />the Club. The PC voted 4 to 2 to recommend approval of an amended permit. CD Director Bryan <br />provided a PowerPoint presentation with BESA's history, as well as an aerial photo of the site. Patrick <br />Steinhoff, attorney for the club, addressed Council stating that BESA was asking for just a few changes <br />