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City Council meeting of August 6, 2007 <br />Page 3 <br />APPROVE SIDE YARD SETBACK FOR HOUSE ADDITION AT 12757 HOMESTEAD DRIVE <br />(STODOLA) <br />The applicant is requesting a variance to permit an addition to a garage to be located 17 feet - 9 inches <br />from the side property line where 20 feet is required by ordinance. There is a small corner of the addition <br />that would be encroaching 2 feet - 3 inches into the required side yard setback. Currently, the applicant <br />has an attached garage on the southwest corner of the house that is 508 square feet. With the addition, <br />there will be a partial demolition of the existing attached garage. The proposed addition will make the <br />garage 996 square feet. In the Rural Residential zoning district, 1,000 square foot garages are the <br />maximum allowed. The applicant would like to keep the addition in line with the existing garage and <br />that is why the addition is proposed to be within the side yard setback. At the Board of Zoning meeting <br />of July 12, 2007, staff recommended denial of the application; however, the Board recommended <br />approval of the variance. Adoption of the Consent Agenda approved Resolution 2007-37 approving the <br />variance request of James and Laurie Stodola of 12757 Homestead Drive to permit an addition to their <br />garage to be located 17.9 ft from the property line where 20 ft is required. <br />APPROVE TEMPORARY ON -SALE BEER LICENSE FOR HUGO LIONS FOR WILSON <br />TOOL PICNIC ON AUGUST 11, 2007 <br />The City received an application from the Hugo Lions Club for a temporary on -sale beer license for the <br />sale of beer at the Wilson Tool annual employee picnic on Saturday, August 11, 2007. City staff <br />reviewed the application and found it to be satisfactorily complete, along with the required liquor <br />liability insurance. Adoption of the Consent Agenda approved the temporary on -sale beer license for the <br />Hugo Lions to sell beer for the Wilson Tool annual employee picnic on August 11, 2007. <br />APPROVE QUOTE FOR DEMOLITON OF HOUSE AT 14593 FOREST BLVD. <br />At its June 4, 2007 meeting, Council directed staff to proceed with the pre -demolition work necessary to <br />demolish the house and buildings located at 14593 Forest Blvd. PW Director Chris Petree has <br />completed the predemolition survey, asbestos sampling, and solicited quotes for the demolition of <br />buildings at 14593 Forest Blvd. N. The City received six quotes for the demolition work. Adoption of <br />the Consent Agenda approved the low quote of $18,935 from Frattalone Companies for the demolition <br />of the house and buildings located at 14593 Forest Blvd. <br />APPROVE PAY REQUEST #6 FROM KEYS WELL DRILLING FOR WORK COMPLETED <br />TO DATE ON WELL #5 <br />The City received pay request #6 from Keys Well Drilling for work completed to date on the well No. 5 <br />in the Waters Edge development. PW Director Chris Petree and Senior Engineering Tech Scott <br />Anderson reviewed the pay request and found it to be consistent for work completed to date on the <br />project. Adoption of the Consent Agenda approved pay request #6 in the amount of $23,446 from Keys <br />Well Drilling for work completed to date on well No. 5. <br />