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City Council meeting of October 15, 2007 <br />Page 3 <br />APPROVE OFF -SALE NON -INTOXICATING BEER LICENSE AND TOBACCO LICENSE <br />FOR KWIK TRIP AT 14730 VICTOR HUGO BLVD. <br />City staff has received applications from Kwik Trip for approval of an off -sale non -intoxicating beer <br />license and a tobacco license in order to conduct sales at their new store located at 14730 Victor Hugo <br />Blvd. City staff has reviewed the applications and accompanying material and found them to be <br />satisfactory complete. Staff has submitted the standard background investigation to the Washington <br />County Sheriff's Department for investigation. Adoption of the Consent Agenda approved the off -sale <br />non -intoxicating beer license and tobacco license for Kwik Trip located at 14730 Victor Hugo Blvd <br />contingent on a satisfactory background investigation by the Washington County Sheriff's Dept. <br />APPROVE APPLICATION FOR MINOR SUBDIVISION ON SUNSET LAKE (SATHRE) <br />The applicant is requesting approval of a minor subdivision for Thomas and Alicia Sathre to create two <br />residential lots on a 30 -acre parcel located on the southwest corner of 132nd Street and Ingersoll <br />Avenue. The minor subdivision will create a 20 acre lot and a 10 acre lot. At its September 27, 2007 <br />meeting the Planning Commission held a public hearing to consider the request for a minor subdivision. <br />The Planning Commission recommended approval of the minor subdivision with a vote of 5-0-1. <br />Adoption of the Consent Agenda adopted Resolution 2007-54 approving the minor subdivision for <br />Thomas and Alicia Sathre to create two residential lots on a 30 -acre parcel located at the southwest <br />corner of 132"d Street and Ingersoll Ave. <br />APPROVE ENCROACHMENT AGREEMENT FOR CONSTRUCTION OF A RETAINING <br />WALL AND FENCE AT 12489 EUROPA AVE (WILLIAMS) <br />Jeffrey and Judith Williams, 12489 Europa Avenue North, have applied for an encroachment agreement <br />to locate a portion of a split -rail fence and 14 inch -high retaining wall on the northeast corner of their <br />property within the drainage and utility easement. Staff determined the fence and retaining wall will not <br />negatively impact the drainage in the area. Adoption of the Consent Agenda approved the encroachment <br />agreement for Jeffrey and Judith Williams for a split -rail fence and retaining wall located at Lot 1, Block <br />2, Lake Air Estates. <br />APPROVE PAY REQUEST #8 FROM KEYS WELL DRILLING FOR WORK COMPLETED <br />TO DATE ON WELL #5 <br />City staff has received pay request #8 from Keys Well Drilling for work completed to date on the <br />construction of well #5 located at the Waters Edge subdivision. Senior Engineer Technician Scott <br />Anderson and City Engineer Jay Kennedy have reviewed the pay request and found it to be satisfactory <br />for work on the project. Adoption of the Consent Agenda approved pay request #8 from Keys Well <br />Drilling in the amount of $8,075 for work completed to date on construction of well #5. <br />APPROVE RESOLUTION ORDERING FEASIBILITY STUDY FOR 2008 ROAD <br />RECONSTRUCTION PROJECT (HUGO ELEMENTARY SCHOOL NEIGHBORHOOD) <br />At its October 1, 2007 meeting, Council listened to a presentation from City Engineer Jay Kennedy <br />regarding the proposed street reconstruction project in the Hugo Elementary School neighborhood. Jay <br />