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City Council meeting of February 21, 2006 <br />Page 4 <br />activities for the next year. Mayor Miron opened the public hearing and there were no oral or written <br />comments from the public. Mayor Miron opened discussion to the City Council and there was no <br />discussion. No formal Council action was required but the City's public hearing requirement has been <br />met. <br />DISCUSSION ON TIMELINES FOR 2006 CITY GOALS <br />At its January 17, 2006 meeting, Council adopted the 2006 City goals and ongoing priorities. City staff <br />was directed to prepare timelines for the implementation and completion of the proposed 2006 goals. <br />City staff worked with department heads to develop a schedule of timelines, with completion dates for <br />the 2006 City goals. <br />Haas made motion, Granger seconded, to approve the 2006 City goals and ongoing priorities with the <br />proposed timelines. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />RESPONSE LETTERS FROM MNDOT FOR FUNDING TH61 TRAFFIC SIGNALS <br />City staff received notification letters from MnDOT for the City's application for cooperative agreement <br />funding for traffic signals for TH61 at 130'' Street and 147d' Street. City Engineer Jay Kennedy reported <br />to Council that the letters reflect the City's unsuccessful applications for state funding for the traffic <br />signals. Council member Granger thought it imperative that the City have a light installed at TH61/147d' <br />Street and fund the project our self if need be. Council discussion will continue relative to funding and <br />possible alternate contact at MnDOT to give our request further consideration. No formal Council <br />action was taken. <br />DISCUSSION ON DEMOLITION OF WATER TOWER #1 <br />At its September 19, 2005 meeting, Council discussed the proposed demolition of water tower # 1. <br />Council listened to a presentation made by resident Katie Riopel, who asked Council to reconsider the <br />proposed demolition of the tower since she collected more than 400 signatures on petitions to save the <br />tower. City staff was directed to solicit input from residents, advertising on the City's website and in the <br />City's newsletter. Staff received more than 70 responses, both in voice and email format. More than <br />90% of the respondents voted to demolish the tower citing lack of historical significance, preservation <br />costs, and a request to utilize the City funds elsewhere. PW Director Chris Petree and CD Assistant <br />Michele Lindau conducted the survey, the results of which were provided Council. With the <br />understanding that not everyone would be happy with the decision: <br />Petryk made motion, Haas seconded, to demolish water tower #I and award the bid to the low bidder <br />Utility Service Company, in the amount of $20,526. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />