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2006.03.20 CC Minutes
City Council
City Council Minutes
2006 CC Minutes
2006.03.20 CC Minutes
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City Council
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City Council meeting of March 20, 2006 <br />Page 4 <br />Adoption of the Consent Agenda approved the purchase of the GPS unit and accessories from Trimble <br />Navigation Ltd. for a total price of $11,349.71. <br />APPROVE TEMPORARY ON -SALE LIQUOR LICENSE FOR NORTH STAR GAY RODEO <br />The North Star Gay Rodeo Association has made its annual application to the City for a temporary on - <br />sale liquor license for its rodeo to be held on June 30 -July 2, 2006 at the Dead Broke Saddle Club. City <br />staff has reviewed the application and found it to be satisfactorily complete, along with the necessary <br />liquor liability insurance. Adoption of the Consent Agenda approved the temporary on -sale liquor <br />license for the North Star Gay Rodeo. <br />APPROVE TIF RESOLUTION AND DEVLOPMENT AGREEMENT FOR MIKE <br />FLEISCHACKER FOR DUPLEX AT 140TH STREET/TH61 <br />City staff sent out letters to property owners within the proposed TIF District requesting permission to <br />perform building inspections. We received permission from Mike Fleischhacker to inspect his duplex at <br />5448 140th Street. He was planning to demolish the building immediately and does have plans to <br />redevelop the property. Staff explained to him that an inspection needs to be made on the property <br />before demolition in order to include it in the TIF District, so he agreed to hold off on the demolition <br />until after the property has been inspected. The City's bond counsel, Briggs and Morgan, has advised <br />that the City Council adopt a TIF Resolution and Development Agreement before the demolition and <br />redevelopment of the property. The Resolution states that the property is substandard and can be <br />demolished before the TIF District is established. The Development Agreement states that Mike <br />Fleischhacker is planning on redeveloping the property in the TIF District. The building inspection of <br />the property will be completed on Thursday, March 16, 2006. Adoption of the Consent Agenda adopted <br />Resolution 2006-13 and Development Agreement for Mike Fleischacker at 5448 140'' Street. <br />APPROVE PRELIMINARY PLAT FOR WILDERNESS VIEW 2"D ADDITION <br />TJ Land Trust V is requesting approval of a preliminary plat and variance to allow development of the <br />98.57 -acre site with 59 single family homes on the eastern 31.54 acres. The gross density of the project <br />is 0.60 units per acre and the net density is 1.98 units per acre. The Planning Commission reviewed this <br />item at a public hearing and voted unanimously to recommend approval. City Planner Kendra Lindahl <br />provided a PowerPoint presentation describing the proposed project. Council discussed and raised a <br />number of issues: 1) the existing cell tower on the property and potential liability should the tower <br />tumble; 2) language disclosing cell tower to future property owners adjacent to tower; 3) maintenance of <br />Outlot A; and 4) maintenance of road stubs. <br />Miron made motion, Haas seconded, to adopt RESOLUTION 2006-14 APPROVING THE <br />PRELIMINARY PLAT AND VARIANCE FOR WILDERNESS VIEW 2ND ADDITION. <br />VOTING AYE: Granger, Haas, Puleo, Miron <br />Motion Carried. <br />
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