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City Council meeting of July 17, 2006 <br />Page 2 <br />CONSENT AGENDA <br />Granger made motion, Petryk seconded, to approve the following Consent Agenda: <br />Approval of Claims <br />Approve Adoption of Resolution Ordering Plans & Specs for 129" Street P.I. Project <br />Approve Acceptance of Public Improvements for Victor Gardens 4th Addition <br />Approve Bid Award to Frattalone Companies for Demolition of Houses at 14625 & 14687 Forest Blvd. <br />Approve Lawful Gambling Permit for Pull Tab Sales at Blacksmith Lounge (Dead Broke Saddle Club) <br />Approve Temporary 3.2 On -Sale Beer License for August 12-13, 2006 Centennial Celebration <br />(Hugo Lions Club) <br />Approve Annual Performance Review for PW Director Chris Petree <br />Approve Appointment of Brian Thistle as New Commissioner on EDA <br />Approve Scope of Services Contract with Landform for CSAH 8/14 Landscaping Project <br />Approve Temporary On -Sale 3.2 Beer License for Wilson Tool Picnic (Hugo Lions Club) <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />APPROVAL OF CLAIMS <br />Adoption of the Consent Agenda approved the claims roster for July 17, 2006 as presented. <br />APPROVE ADOPTION OF RESOLUTION ORDERING PLANS/SPECS FOR 129TH STREET <br />PUBLIC IMPROVEMENT PROJECT <br />At its July 5, 2006 meeting, Council listened to a presentation from City Engineer Jay Kennedy regarding the <br />129'" Public Improvement Project. Council agreed that the project was feasible and directed staff to proceed <br />with preparation of plans and specifications for the sanitary sewer, watermain, and street portions of the <br />project. Council also directed staff to schedule an assessment hearing for August 21, 2006. Based on this <br />direction, City Attorney Dave Snyder recommended that staff prepare the resolutions necessary to proceed <br />for consideration by Council. Adoption of the Consent Agenda adopted Resolution 2006-36 ordering plans <br />and specifications; Resolution 2006-37 declaring the costs to be assessed and ordering preparation of the <br />assessment roll; and Resolution 2006-39 calling for an assessment hearing to be held on August 21, 2006, as <br />they relate to the 129" Street Public Improvement Project. <br />APPROVE ACCEPTANCE OF PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS FOR VICTOR GARDENS 4TH <br />ADDITION <br />Pratt Homes has requested City acceptance of the constructed public improvements for Victor Gardens 41h <br />Addition. Acceptance of the improvements would begin a one-year warranty period, after which the project <br />would be considered complete and maintenance activities would become the responsibility of the City. The <br />City would continue to hold the issued Letter of Credit until the one-year warranty period is complete. <br />Adoption of the Consent Agenda formally accepted the public improvements in the Victor Gardens 4'h <br />Addition. <br />