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City Council meeting of February 22, 2005 <br />Page 2 <br />APPROVE RECOMMENDATION FROM PARKS COMMISSION FOR PLAYGROUND <br />EQUIPMENT FROM MN/WI PLAYGROUND <br />At its February 9, 2005 meeting, the Parks Commission considered two proposals from playground <br />equipment vendors, who had been solicited for proposals for new playground equipment for Creekview <br />Preserve Park. After the presentations, Commission members unanimously approved and have <br />recommended to Council the purchase of playground equipment from MN/WI Playground. Site prep <br />work for the project will be done by the public works department, with installation of the equipment by <br />the vendor. Adoption of the Consent Agenda approved the purchase of playground equipment from <br />MN/WI Playground, in an amount not to exceed $60,000. <br />APPROVE FINAL PAY REQUEST #10 FROM PARKOS CONSTRUCTION FOR WORK <br />COMPLETED ON THE PUBLIC WORKS FACILITY <br />Parkos Construction submitted its final pay request #10 for work completed on the public works facility. <br />There are still some punch list items that need to be completed to which they are committed. Adoption <br />of the Consent Agenda approved final pay request #10 to Parkos Construction in the amount of <br />$59,041.42 and directed staff to hold the check until the punch list items are completed to the <br />satisfaction of the City of Hugo and the Public Works Director Chris Petree. <br />APPROVE LAWFUL GAMBLING PERMIT FROM CENTERVILLE LIONS FOR CADILLAC <br />DINNER AT THE HUGO AMERICAN LEGION <br />The Centerville Lions made application to the City for a lawful gambling permit in order to hold a <br />Cadillac Dinner at the Hugo American Legion on March 19, 2005. This fundraising event is the largest <br />for them to raise funds for community projects. City staff reviewed the application and found it to be <br />satisfactorily complete. Adoption of the Consent Agenda approved the permit from the Centerville <br />Lions to hold its Cadillac Dinner at the Hugo American Legion on March 19, 2005. <br />APPROVE RENEWAL APPLICATION FOR OPTIONAL LIQUOR 2 AM CLOSING (RICCI'S) <br />In 2004, the owner of Ricci's Bo Bogatty sold his business to Duane Reil and Janice Lehner -Reil. As <br />council is aware, Bo requested and received from the City authorization to close his bar at 2:00 am, <br />which was allowed by the 2003 State Legislature. Consistent with State Statute, the Reils have made <br />application to the City for a 2:00 am bar closing time. Adoption of the Consent Agenda approved the <br />2:00 am closing time for the new owners of Ricci's. <br />APPROVE PRELIMINARY PLAT AND PUD GENERAL PLAN FOR VICTOR GARDENS <br />NORTH <br />Council member Haas removed this item from the Consent Agenda to discuss landscaping for the <br />project, as this will be the "gateway" into the City. Council member Puleo requested the proposed <br />resolution be amended to assure any landscaping would be coordinated with landscaping for the CR8 <br />improvement project. POA -Scherer, LLC sought approval of a PUD general plan and a preliminary plat <br />for 186 townhome units (including 8 twinhomes), one commercial lot and two outlots. The Planning <br />Commission opened the public hearing on this item on January 13th and continued the meeting until <br />