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City Council meeting of February 22, 2005 <br />Page 3 <br />February 10th to allow the applicant additional time to update the plans to address concerns raised by <br />staff, residents and the Planning Commission. The applicant did revise the plans and, on February 10, <br />2005, the Planning Commission voted unanimously to recommend approval. Kathy Anderson and <br />Bruce Carlson, from the United Properties Development team, requested Council clarification regarding <br />its request for landscaping consistency with the CR8 project. Landscaping discussion will continue at <br />the time of final plat approval. John Udstuen requested Council consider having the multi -family units <br />be replaced with more twinhomes. City Planner Kendra Lindahl stated that the development was under <br />density allowed for in the Everton/Elmcrest Avenues Plan. <br />Miron made motion, Haas seconded, to adopt RESOLUTION 2005-5 APPROVING A PUD GENERAL <br />PLAN FOR VICTOR GARDENS NORTH. <br />VOTING AYE: Granger, Haas, Petryk, Puleo, Miron <br />Motion Carried. <br />Haas made motion, Granger seconded, to adopt RESOLUTION 2005-6 APPROVING THE <br />PRELIMINARY PLAT FOR VICTOR GARDENS NORTH. <br />VOTING AYE: Granger, Haas, Petryk, Puleo, Miron <br />Motion Carried. <br />RECOGNITION OF CLARENCE AND MAYME VAIL'S 80TH WEDDING ANNIVERSARY <br />Long-time Hugo residents, Clarence and Mayme Vail, celebrated their 801e wedding anniversary on <br />February 17, 2005 and renewed their vows on Saturday, February 12, 2005 at St. John's the Baptist <br />Church. Clarence, 98, and Mayme, 96, are believed to be the oldest married couple in the State of <br />Minnesota, and maybe the United States, celebrating the current living anniversary record. They have <br />been featured over the past week in local newspapers, including the White Bear Press, the Pioneer Press, <br />and Star Tribune, as well as being featured on KARE, WCCO, and KSTP. Mayor Fran Miron presented <br />them with a resolution, plaque, and Hugo Historical Commission cups to recognize their 80 years of <br />wedded bliss. Rochelle Dodge, representing U.S. Congressman Mark Kennedy, State Representatives <br />Ray Vandeveer and Matt Dean, and Washington County Commissioner Dennis Hegberg were all present <br />to recognize and celebrate this astonishing achievement. Senator Michele Bachmann provided a video <br />expressing her congratulations to the Vail's. <br />APPROVE AGREEMENT WITH LANDFORM FOR DOWNTOWN DESIGN STANDARDS <br />Council member Granger requested item be removed from the Consent Agenda for discussion. He <br />questioned whether this matter should have gone out for bid. CD Director Bryan Bear felt it was a <br />competitive bid. City staff requested Landform to submit a proposal for services to develop Downtown <br />Design Guidelines for downtown Hugo. A portion of the $45,000 received from the Metropolitan <br />Council Livable Communities Grant will be used to pay for part of the work for the design guidelines, <br />consistent with the grant application. The grant allocated $7,500 for downtown design guidelines with <br />the remainder to be funded by the City. The total amount proposed to develop the design guidelines is <br />$19,940. The remaining grant money is to be used for a market study, and the transportation study, <br />which has already been completed. Development of the design guidelines will allow the City to guide <br />