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2005.04.18 CC Minutes
City Council
City Council Minutes
2005 CC Minutes
2005.04.18 CC Minutes
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City Council meeting of April 18, 2005 <br />Page 4 <br />APPROVE RESOLUTIONS) TO MNDOT FOR BRIDGE BOND FUNDS FOR JD2 CULVERT <br />REPLACEMENT PROJECT <br />The City entered into a Cooperative Agreement with Washington County and RCWD for bridge bond <br />funding from MnDOT for the JD2 culvert replacement project. In order to receive reimbursement from <br />MnDOT, the City must adopt resolutions thereby releasing the prospective funding for the 157'h and <br />165d' Street culverts. Staff has received and drafted the resolutions that will allow MnDOT to release <br />the funds, which would go to the RCWD, with the City as a pass-through agency. Adoption of the <br />Consent Agenda adopted Resolution 2005-19 and Resolution 2005-20 in order for MnDOT to release <br />the bridge bond funds for the JD2 culvert replacement project. <br />APPROVE WATER SKI SLALOM COURSE ON SUNSET LAKE (DAVE STRUB) <br />On behalf of the Sunset Lake Ski Club, Dave Strub has submitted an application for approval of the <br />water ski slalom course. Staff has reviewed the application and found it to be satisfactorily completed. <br />Adoption of the Consent Agenda approved the water ski slalom course application for Sunset Lake. <br />APPROVE PROPERTY LINE ADJUSTMENT FOR MICHAEL STOEBNER AT 9351130" <br />STREET NORTH <br />Michael Stoebner requested to adjust the common property line between his two parcels located at 9351 <br />130d' Street North. The applicant's home is on a 12 -acre parcel and the adjoining parcel is eight acres. <br />He is requesting to adjust the property line to create two 10 -acre parcels. Both properties would comply <br />with to the City's minimum lot requirements after relocation of common property line. Adoption of the <br />Consent Agenda adopted Resolution 2005-21 approving the property line adjustment for Michael <br />Stoebner at 9351 130' Street North. <br />APPROVE PUBLICATION SUMMARY OF RURAL PRESERVATION ORDINANCE <br />At its April 4, 2005 meeting, Council discussed the final revisions made to the City's rural and open <br />space preservation ordinance, which has been worked on for the past 2 '/2 years by the Rural and Open <br />Space Preservation Committee. The Council publicly thanked the citizens who volunteered on the <br />Committee, as well as the leadership of Chair Chuck Haas. Council agreed to make one final revision <br />to the ordinance and voted unanimously to adopt the new rural preservation and open space ordinance. <br />Adoption of ordinances must be published in the City's legal newspaper, the White Bear Press. In this <br />case, the ordinance is very long and staff has drafted an executive summary, which must be approved by <br />Council prior to publishing. Adoption of the Consent Agenda approved the executive summary <br />publication for the rural preservation and open space ordinance. <br />APPROVE AUTHORIZATION TO RECEIVE BIDS FOR SINGLE AXLE PLOW TRUCK <br />Included in the City's 2005 CIP is the purchase of an additional single -axle plow truck. This truck is <br />necessary to plow and maintain City streets with the additional mileage being added over the past two <br />years. Adoption of the Consent Agenda approved authorization to receive bids for the single -axle <br />truck. <br />
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