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2005.05.02 CC Minutes
City Council
City Council Minutes
2005 CC Minutes
2005.05.02 CC Minutes
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City Council meeting of May 2, 2005 <br />Page 4 <br />APPROVE ANNUAL PERFORMANCE REVIEW FOR CD ASSISTANT MICHELE LINDAU <br />Michele Lindau was hired by the City on May 1, 1999. Over the past six years, Michele has worked in a <br />variety of roles, most recently over the past three years as the CD assistant. Michele is a conscientious <br />and hard worker who contributes significantly to the City's community development department. She <br />organizes, assembles, and delivers Planning Commission packets, as well as providing support staff and <br />minute taking at all Planning Commission meetings. Michele also serves as the in-house IT support <br />staff person, and works closely with CIT to resolve all computer and telephone issues. Adoption of the <br />Consent Agenda approved the annual performance review for Michele Lindau and step increase as <br />provided in the City's salary matrix. <br />APPROVE PURCHASE OF SINGLE -AXLE PLOW TRUCK FOR PW DEPARTMENT <br />At its April 18, 2005 meeting, Council authorized staff to receive bids for a new single -axle plow truck, <br />which was included in the City's 2005 C.I.P. PW Director Chris Petree received bids through the State's <br />Cooperative Purchasing Venture. Adoption of the Consent Agenda approved the purchase of the new <br />truck from Boyer Ford and snowplowing equipment from J -Craft in an amount of $128,354.07, with <br />funding from the City's capital equipment purchasing fund. <br />APPROVE VARIANCE FOR THREE -SEASON PORCH AT 14471 GLENBROOK AVENUE <br />NORTH MITTEL) <br />Bob and Dawn Dittel have applied for a variance to allow for the construction of a three -season porch <br />within the required ten -foot side yard setback. The applicant would like to construct an 11 x 25 square <br />foot porch where the deck is currently located, which is 6'3" from the side yard property line. The deck <br />was constructed prior to the ordinance change in 1999 where the side yard setback was increased from <br />five feet to ten feet. The Board of Zoning considered the variance at their meeting on April 14, 2005 and <br />unanimously recommended approval. Adoption of the Consent Agenda approved the variance for Bob <br />and Dawn Dittel to construct a 3 -season porch with the required 10' side yard setback at 14471 <br />Glenbrook Avenue North. <br />APPROVE FINAL PLAT FOR VICTOR GARDENS 4TH ADDITION <br />POA -Crain, LLC requested approval of the final plat and development agreement for Victor Gardens 4th <br />Addition (former Crain property). The Council approved a vacation of blanket drainage and utility <br />easements at the April 18th meeting and new easements are provided in this plat. This plat includes 92 <br />townhomes and two outlots for future commercial development adjacent to CSAH 8. The final plat is <br />consistent with the approved preliminary plat. Adoption of the Consent Agenda adopted Resolution <br />2005-26 approving the final plat and development agreement for Victor Gardens 4th Addition. <br />APPROVE REDUCTION IN CASH SURETY FOR ONEKA PONDS <br />Fegowi Properties applied for a reduction in the cash surety for development of the Oneka Ponds <br />residential subdivision. Senior Engineering Technician Scott Anderson reviewed the application and <br />found it to be satisfactory for public improvements completed to date on the project. Adoption of the <br />Consent Agenda approved reduction in the cash surety for Oneka Ponds to the new amount of $115,000. <br />
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