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City Council meeting of May 2, 2005 <br />Page 7 <br />Hugo City Hall team to meet again with officers as soon as possible to present the revised numbers and <br />provide a recommendation to Council at its next regularly scheduled meeting. <br />VOTING AYE: Haas, Puleo, Miron <br />ABSTAINED: Granger and Petryk <br />Motion Carried. <br />APPROVE MELROSE PYROTECHNICS. INC FIREWORKS DISPLAY AT HUGO GOOD <br />NEIGHBOR DAYS <br />Hugo Lions and Hugo Fire Department members have met over the past several months to discuss the <br />idea of having a fireworks display at Good Neighbor Days. After research and review of three proposals, <br />the HFD and Lions requested Council authorization for a fireworks display at Good Neighbor Days. A <br />proposal has been received from Melrose Pyrotechnics, Inc., who also works as the professionals for the <br />Taste of Minnesota display over the City of St. Paul. The proposal includes liability insurance and the <br />use of licensed professional pyrotechnicians with all public safety coordinated through the Washington <br />County Sheriffs Department and HFD. Len Pratt and Dave Hempel of CPDC will make a donation to <br />the Hugo Lions Club for the cost for this event. In accordance with Minnesota Statute, Council is <br />provided with the authority to approve the fireworks display. Firefighter Jim Compton, Jr., Hugo Lions <br />President Larry Aubin, and Mike Iburg from Melrose were in attendance to answer any and all questions <br />Council may have. Mike explained how/where the fireworks will be set up, cited distances from <br />occupied buildings, and safety precautions that have been established. Fire Chief Jim Compton <br />explained how the FD will be ready to react should a need arise. City staff has been working with the <br />WCSO and the HFD to insure public safety at this event. <br />Haas made motion, Miron seconded, to approve the Hugo Lions Club fireworks display during Good <br />Neighbor Days on Friday, June 10, 2005, performed by Melrose Pyrotechnics, Inc. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />APPROVE SIGNAGE FOR PUBLIC WORKS FACILITY AND RICE LAKE CENTRE BILL <br />WEIGEL SIGNS) <br />PW Director Chris Petree has been working with local company Bill Weigel Signs to design and provide <br />appropriate signage for the public works facility and the Rice Lake Centre. Bill Weigel Signs prepared a <br />mock-up of the monument sign for Council consideration. <br />Granger made motion, Haas seconded, to approve the sign for the Rice Lake Centre and PW facility, at a <br />cost not to exceed $900, with the understanding that Rice Lake Centre will be listed above the Public <br />Works Facility on the sign. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />DISCUSS SITE PLAN, CUP, AND VARIANCE FOR PAVEMENT GUYS HOLDINGS LLC <br />Pavement Guys Holdings LLC sought approval of a site plan for a 15,065 -square foot (12,000 -square <br />