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2005.08.15 CC Minutes
City Council
City Council Minutes
2005 CC Minutes
2005.08.15 CC Minutes
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City Council meeting August 15, 2005 <br />Page 3 <br />APPROVE AMENDMENT TO COOPERATIVE AGREEMENT FOR CSAH 8/14 PROJECT <br />The City and Washington County currently have an agreement related to the construction of the new <br />CSAH 8. At this point, it is necessary to amend the agreement to reflect updated project costs based on <br />the amended/approved plans and actual property acquisition costs. In addition, the agreement includes <br />clarifications regarding maintenance of the roadways and associated striping. Adoption of the Consent <br />Agenda approved the amendment to the Cooperative Agreement for the CSAH 8/14 project. <br />APPROVE LAWFUL GAMBLING PERMIT FOR NATIONAL ATAXIA FOUNDTION AT <br />CARPENTERS AND RICCI'S <br />The National Ataxia Foundation has made application to the City for a lawful gambling permit in order <br />to conduct pull tab operations at both Carpenters and Ricci's. City staff has reviewed the application <br />and found it to be consistent with City code. Adoption of the Consent Agenda approved the lawful <br />gambling permit for the National Ataxia Foundation in order to conduct its pull tab operations at <br />Carpenters at 14559 Forest Boulevard and Ricci's at 14777 Forest Boulevard. <br />PROPERTY LINE ADJUSTMENT AND VARIANCE REQUEST FOR 6651145TH CIRCLE <br />NORTH ( MURPHY & FESSLER) <br />Mark Murphy and Heidi Fessler have applied for a property line adjustment and variances to construct a <br />garage on property located at 6651 145 Circle North (Diamond Point East). The applicants are <br />requesting to adjust the property line to the west and are requesting a variance to construct a 1,257 <br />square foot garage where ordinance limits the size of a garage to 1,000 square feet and a variance to <br />locate the structure in front of the home where ordinance requires accessory structures to be located <br />further from the road than the principal structure. The Board of Zoning Adjustment considered the <br />variance request at its meeting on July 28 and unanimously recommended approval of the variances. <br />Adoption of the Consent Agenda adopted Resolution 200547 approving a property line adjustment and <br />variances for Mark Murphy with the condition that no other accessory structures are permitted on the <br />property and the applicant plant trees to screen the garage from the west. <br />APPROVE LEASE AGREEMENT WITH NEXTEL FOR LOCATION OF ANTENNAS ON SOUTH <br />WATER TOWER <br />For the past several months, City staff has been negotiating with Nextel for the location of antennas on <br />the City's south water tower in the Woods of Bald Eagle townhome development. Staff has successfully <br />negotiated a Lease Agreement with Nextel for the location of antennas on the tower, which would <br />provide Nextel with coverage in this area of the Twin Cities. The final draft of the Lease Agreement has <br />been reviewed by City staff and City Attorney Dave Snyder, with a recommendation that Council <br />approve the Lease Agreement, which includes a monthly lease rate of $2,000 for a 3 -year contract with <br />an inflation factor. <br />APPROVE PURCHASE AGREEMENT FOR R.A. PEARSON (LOT IN BEIP 5TH ADDN.) <br />At its July 18, 2005 meeting, Council accepted the FDA's recommendation to sell the 3.3 acre lot in the <br />BEIP 5h Addition to R.A. Pearson LLC, who will be moving its corporate headquarters to Hugo. R.A. <br />
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