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2005.08.15 CC Minutes
City Council
City Council Minutes
2005 CC Minutes
2005.08.15 CC Minutes
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City Council meeting of August 15, 2005 <br />Page 4 <br />Pearson is a mechanical contractor specializing in commercial construction in the HVAC industry. City <br />staff was directed to finalize the Purchase Agreement and return for final approval by Council. <br />Adoption of the Consent Agenda approved the Purchase Agreement with R.A. Pearson for the purchase <br />of a 3.3 acre parcel in the BEIP 5`" Addition in the amount of $166,178. <br />APPROVE PURCHASE AGREEMENT FOR ONEKA PET RESORT (LOT IN BEIP 5TH <br />ADDITION) <br />At its July 18, 2005 meeting, Council accepted the FDA's recommendation to sell the 1 -acre lot in the <br />BEIP 5`" Addition to Oneka Pet Resort. Guy and Cindy LaBarre will be constructing a pet resort for <br />individuals who bring their dogs and cats for daycare and vacation time. Adoption of the Consent <br />Agenda approved the Purchase Agreement with Guy and Cindy LaBarre d/b/a Oneka Pet Resort, for the <br />purchase of a 1 -acre lot in the BEIP 5`h Addition, in the amount of $49,908. <br />APPROVE 2005 STP APPLICATION FOR TH61 IMPROVEMENTS <br />The City Council directed City staff to complete an application for federal transportation funds related to <br />improvements to Highway 61 between 140 Street and 150x' Street in Hugo. City staff completed the <br />application, and received letters of support from both Washington County Transportation and the <br />Regional Rail Authority. Chuck Rickart, transportation engineer from WSB, was present and provided a <br />Power Point presentation of the application to the City Council, which needs to be submitted by Friday, <br />August 19, 2005. Council members will contact Hugo's Met Council representative, Georgie Hilker, in <br />an effort to secure funding for the project. <br />Granger made motion, Haas seconded, to accept the 2005 STP Application for federal transportation <br />funds related to improvements to TH61, between 140' Street and 150' Street. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />DISCUSSION OF PROPOSED CITY TRANSPORTATION PLAN (CHUCK RICKART) <br />City staff has been working with City Engineer Jay Kennedy and Transportation Engineer Chuck Rickart <br />to develop a scope of services related to the review and update of the City's transportation plan. Chuck <br />Rickart was present and provided a Power Point presentation of issues related to the proposed revisions <br />to the City's transportation plan. Council members Granger and Haas questioned the need for the <br />$16,000 expenditure; CD Director Bryan Bear explained the need for a City-wide transportation plan, <br />comparing the existing plans as puzzle pieces that do not fit together. <br />Miron made motion, Petryk seconded, to table this matter to allow staff time to outline the need for a <br />revised City transportation plan. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />
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