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2004.01.05 CC Minutes
City Council
City Council Minutes
2004 CC Minutes
2004.01.05 CC Minutes
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City Council meeting of January 5, 2004 <br />Page 6 <br />APPROVE APPOINTMENT OF CITY ADMINISTRATOR TO TRI -CITIES COALITION <br />STEERING COMMITTEE <br />At the December 11, 2003 Tri -Cities Coalition Committee meeting, members agreed to form a steering <br />committee. Each respective coalition member will need to appoint a person to serve on the tri -cities <br />Coalition Steering Committee. The representative will be attending committee meetings, which will <br />be scheduled on a monthly basis. Adoption of the Consent Agenda appointed City Administrator <br />Mike Ericson to serve as the City representative on the Tri -Cities Coalition Steering Committee. <br />AWARD OF BID (HUGO RESCUE TRUCK) <br />At its December 1, 2003 meeting, Council approved the specifications and directed staff to advertise <br />for bids for a new rescue truck for the HFD. Bids were opened by City staff at 11:00 am, Monday, <br />December 29, 2003. Two bids were received by staff, with a total of five bidders, who received bid <br />documents. The apparent low bid of $259,944.99 plus applicable sales tax, was submitted by Westates <br />Truck Equipment from California. It was rejected by the truck committee, due to no less than 10 <br />failures of the truck firm to comply with bid specifications, including no bid bond was received. The <br />next low bid was submitted by Custom Fire, in an amount of $388,070. The truck committee's <br />estimate was $400,000. Custom Fire's bid was satisfactorily complete, and City staff recommends <br />Council award the contract for the new rescue truck to the low bidder, Custom Fire, in the amount of <br />$388,070. City Administrator Michael Ericson stated that the new vehicle would be funded through <br />the sale of equipment certificates. <br />Granger made motion, Haas seconded, to accept the recommendation of the Hugo Rescue Truck Bid <br />Committee and award the contract for the new FD rescue truck to the low bidder, Custom Fire, in the <br />amount of $388,070. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />HARDWOOD CREEK/JD2 RESTORATION PROJECT <br />Mayor Fran Miron attended a meeting with RCWD officials, representatives from Emmons and <br />Olivier Resources Engineering, and WSB engineers on Monday, December 29, 2003 to discuss the <br />Hardwood Creek/JD2 restoration project. Mayor Miron shared the results of the meeting with the City <br />Council. This matter will be discussed further at an Open House on Thursday, January 15, 2004, at <br />7:00 pm in the Oneka Room. <br />Miron made motion, Petryk seconded, directing staff to notice the Open House scheduled for January <br />15, 2004 as a special City Council meeting. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />PELOOUIN INDUSTRIAL PARK PROJECT UPDATE <br />City Engineer Jay Kennedy provided an update on the progress of the work to date on the Peloquin <br />Industrial Park project. The pipe has been successfully connected from the west side to the east -side of <br />
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