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City Council meeting of January 5, 2004 <br />Page 7 <br />TH61, with grading of the site to be completed this spring. Pressure testing should be completed in <br />three weeks. <br />MCES NORTHEAST INTERCEPTOR MEETING (DECEMBER 17.2003) <br />Council member Becky Petryk attended the December 17'" MCES meeting, along with Public Works <br />Director Chris Petree, Senior Engineering Technician, and City Administrator Mike Ericson. Council <br />member Petryk provided an update and overview of the issues discussed at the meeting, and reported <br />that she is concerned about future spillageloverflows in Bald Eagle Lake. In addition, the capacity of <br />the interceptor could potentially have an impact on future development in Hugo. Council member <br />Petryk assured Council that she will "stay on top" of this issue and keep Council informed of future <br />meetings. <br />ELEMENTARY SCHOOL DESIGN TEAM <br />The WBL school district selected representatives from the City to serve on the new elementary school <br />design team: Council member Becky Petryk; Parks Commission Chair Robyn LaCasse; and City <br />Administrator Mike Ericson. City staff recommends Council provide directive to the representatives <br />to carry forth in discussion regarding the design of the new school. <br />WASHINGTON COUNTY LIBRARY SYSTEM STRATEGIC PLAN <br />On November 26, 2003, City Administrator Mike Ericson met with the Pat Conley, the new <br />Washington County Library Director. He shared with Pat the interest of the City of Hugo in <br />incorporating a public library into the new elementary school. Pat agreed to incorporate this into the <br />new five-year strategic plan for the library system, which was presented to the Library Board in <br />December 2003. This is a genuine opportunity to construct what would be considered "an express <br />library", which would be much smaller than a traditional library, nevertheless, an opportunity for a <br />new public library in the City. City Administrator Mike Ericson shared with Council the issues related <br />to meeting with Pat Conley, and he seeks direction from Council as to incorporation of this <br />information in the elementary school design team work. <br />Council tied the elementary school design team and incorporation of a public library into one <br />discussion, as well as consideration of a community center and park/athletic facilities and increased <br />size of the gymnasium. Council felt it important to have as many possibilities "on the table" in the <br />design of this very important facility in the community. <br />Miron made motion, Granger seconded, that the elementary school design team explore all options in <br />review of the construction of the new elementary school, and report committee results to the Council. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />FEMA GRANT LETTER FOR DON AND PAULINE RICE (9745146M STREET) <br />City staff received a letter from the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) regarding <br />approval of the grant to the City to be used for the purchase of the Don and Pauline Rice property <br />