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City Council meeting of March 15, 2004 <br />Page 4 <br />a period not to exceed 30 days to allow Council members Mike Granger and Frank Puleo to attend the <br />Parks Commission meeting on Wednesday, March 10, 2004. City staff recommended Council take into <br />consideration discussion and recommendations from the Parks Commissioners, as well as a possible <br />diversion from the City's Parks Master Plan, which calls for a passive use of the park. The bid submitted <br />by Parkos Construction for Alternate #2 was $294,300. Council had a lengthy discussion on varied uses of <br />the property, but before the bid for Alternate #2 was awarded, they wanted assurance that the community <br />room would not become an extension of the public works facility, but be a part of a legitimate park <br />program. <br />Miron made motion, Petryk seconded, to award the bid for Alternate #2 to Parkos Construction in the <br />amount of $294,300, and direct the Parks Commission to begin the public process to develop the Rice <br />Lake Park in a more active way. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />MARCH im MEETING W/REP RAY VANDEVEER & MCES MEETING ON MARCH 25.2004 <br />Staff was notified by a legislative aide with State Representative Ray Vandeveer of a meeting on Monday, <br />March 8, 2004, at which the Representative had invited representatives from the City of Forest Lake and <br />the Metropolitan Council Environmental Services (MCES). Mayor Fran Miron was in attendance with <br />City Engineer Jay Kennedy, PW Director Chris Petree, and Senior Engineering Technician Scott <br />Anderson. MCES officials discussed with City officials issues related to the December 17, 2003 MCES <br />meeting held at Hugo City Hall. City staff met with Council members Frank Puleo and Chuck Haas on <br />Friday, March 12, 2004 to discuss this information in more detail. The City of Hugo submitted its <br />Comprehensive Plan in 1998, a Plan which was later amended several times, and finally approved by the <br />Metropolitan Council in December 2002. MCES officials have scheduled another follow-up meeting for <br />Thursday, March 25, 2004, at which they want to meet with local government officials to share new <br />information. City Administrator Mike Ericson stated that MCES officials have agreed to move up their <br />schedule for the CII' and begin the design for a parallel sewer interceptor next to the one in Hugo. MCES <br />also stated that they will modify their operations to address capacity issues. <br />Miron made motion, Haas seconded, to notice the MCES meeting of March 25, 2004, 7:00 pm, in the <br />Oneka Room, as a City Council meeting, to allow full Council participation. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />DISCUSSION OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR POSITION UPDATE <br />At its March 1, 2004 meeting, City staffprovided Council with an update on video conference interviews <br />that were held with the two out-of-state candidates for the position of Community Development Director. <br />Staff was directed to schedule interviews with the two candidates, consistent with Council's calendar. <br />Staff reviewed this issue with both candidates and the City Council, and recommended that Council <br />schedule Friday, April 2, 2004 for interviews for the two new candidates. A quorum of the Council will be <br />present, along with Planning Commission Chair Dave Schumann. A City Hall and community -wide tour <br />will take place after completion of the interviews, which will be scheduled for 9:00 am. <br />