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City Council meeting of July 6, 2004 <br />Page 2 <br />accepted the $3,000 donation from the Gambling Manager Mark Larson for the Dead Broke Saddle Club <br />and publicly thanked them for their generous donation. <br />DONATION FROM TODD JONES TO THE HUGO FIRE DEPARTMENT <br />Firefighter Todd Jones' mother recently passed away, and he has generously made a $1,000 donation to <br />the HFD from her estate. On behalf of the Hugo City Council, Mayor Fran Miron publicly thanked Todd <br />Jones for his generous $1,000 donation. <br />HUGO BUSINESS ASSOCIATION PROPOSAL FOR YOUTH ACTIVITIES <br />Hugo Business Association member Katie Riopel met with City Administrator Mike Ericson on June 25, <br />2004 to discuss the Association's interest in providing for youth activities. Katie was present to discuss <br />this issue with Council, stating that the HBA would like to provide a place for Hugo kids to "hang out", <br />meet other kids, and have fun. Phase 1 of the proposal would consist of obtaining games and equipment, <br />as well as a list of volunteers to supervise. The Hugo Lions Club has agreed to allow use of their <br />building for indoor activities. Council member Petryk encouraged background checks for adult <br />supervisors. City Attorney Dave Snyder stated that City liability would the same as that of use of the <br />Oneka Room at City Hall. Mayor Miron suggested that Katie present her proposal to the Parks <br />Commission. <br />Miron made motion, Haas seconded, to provide Council support for Phase 1 of the proposed youth <br />activities program, and direct the City Attorney to draft sample program/supervisory guidelines, and <br />direct the Parks Commission to review the proposal. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />CONSENT AGENDA <br />Granger made motion, Puleo seconded, to approve the following Consent Agenda: <br />Approval of Claims <br />Accept Donation from KrewKut Yard Care to the HFD <br />Accept Resignation from PW Worker (Kieffer) <br />Approve Authorization to Advertise for Public Works Workers <br />Approve Minor Subdivision w/Variance at 4360 165'" Street (Leroux) <br />Approve Performance Review and Salary Adjustment for Utility Billing Clerk (Guareschi) <br />Approve Performance Review and Salary Adjustment for Lead PW Worker (Smith) <br />Parks Commission City Tour (July 14, 2004 @ 5:00 pm) <br />Approve PUD and Preliminary Plat for Victor Gardens South Village <br />Approve Award of Bid for Municipal Parking Lots (Striping and Seal Coating) <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />