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City Council meeting of July 6, 2004 <br />Page 3 <br />APPROVAL OF CLAIMS <br />Adoption of the Consent Agenda approved the claims roster for July 6, 2004 as presented. <br />ACCEPT DONATION FROM KREWKUT YARD CARE TO THE HFD <br />KrewKut Yard Care, a local Hugo business, made a $250 donation to the HFD for its thanks and <br />appreciation for recently putting out a fire on property on TH61. The owner of KrewKut was thankful <br />for the quick response and putting out a fire, which could have grown much larger, but a quick response <br />put the fire out. The $250 will be used to purchase tools. Adoption of the Consent Agenda accepted the <br />$250 donation from KrewKut Yard Care and publicly thanked them for their generous donation to the <br />HFD. <br />ACCEPT RESIGNATION FOR PW WORKER (RICK KIEFFER) <br />Public Works Director Chris Petree received a letter of resignation from public works worker Rick <br />Kieffer, effective July 9, 2004. Rick was hired by the City more than nine months ago, but has received <br />an offer from the private sector, with an opportunity he cannot pass up. Adoption of the Consent <br />Agenda accepted the resignation from Rick Kieffer effective July 9, 2004. <br />APPROVE AUTHORIZATION TO ADVERTISE FOR PUBLIC WORKS WORKERS <br />Included in the City's 2004 general fund budget is the addition of one full-time public works worker to <br />be hired by October 2004, with the process typically taking three months. Because of the previous <br />acceptance of Rick Kieffer's resignation, staff sought authorization from Council to proceed with <br />advertisement for two public works positions. Adoption of the Consent Agenda approved the <br />authorization to advertise for the positions of two full-time public works workers. <br />APPROVE MINOR SUBDIVISION W/VARIANCE AT 4360165 STREET (LEROUX) <br />Jim Leroux, 4360 165' Street North, made application for a minor subdivision with a variance from <br />minimum lot size to subdivide 38.77 acres into three lots. The property is located at the southwest <br />corner of 165th Street and Everton Avenue. One parcel would be 20 acres in size and was not planned <br />for development. The remaining would be spit into a 10 -acre lot and an 8.6 -acre lot, which would <br />require a variance from the minimum lot size of 10 acres. As part of the subdivision, the applicant has <br />agreed to dedicate a 33 -foot wide right-of-way easement for the existing 165' Street roadway and a 100 - <br />foot wide right-of-way easement for Everton Avenue. Adoption of the Consent Agenda approved <br />adoption of Resolution 200449 approving the minor subdivision and variance for Jim Leroux. <br />APPROVE PERFORMANCE REVIEW AND SALARY ADJUSTMENT FOR UTILITY <br />BILLING CLERK (GUARESCHI) <br />Jodie Guareschi was hired by the City as the new utility billing clerk on June 17, 2002. Jodie began her <br />employment in 2000 as a volunteer envelope stuffer and proceeded to fill in on a temporary basis doing <br />receptionist duties. Over the past two years, Jodie has taken over responsibility for the City's utility <br />billing department under the tutelage of Finance Director Ron Otkin. Jodie does an excellent job with <br />all facets of the utility billing, for more than 1,800 individual accounts. She expects to see a dramatic <br />