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2004.07.06 CC Minutes
City Council
City Council Minutes
2004 CC Minutes
2004.07.06 CC Minutes
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City Council meeting of July 6, 2004 <br />Page 4 <br />increase in the next five years. Jodie also does a good job with the front counter receptionist duties and <br />provides additional support services to other departments. Jodie is a conscientious, dependable, and <br />reliable City Hall employee. Adoption of the Consent Agenda approved the performance review with <br />the adjustment prescribed in the salary matrix. <br />APPROVE PERFORMANCE REVIEW AND SALARY ADJUSTMENT FOR LEAD PW <br />WORKER (SMITH) <br />Tom Smith was hired by the City on June 26, 2000. During the past four years, Tom has provided an <br />excellent level of job performance in the public works department and, most recently, as the public <br />works lead worker. Tom is a hard worker who is well liked by his coworkers for his dependability and <br />sense of humor. He is a true asset to the public works department and will be very involved in the new <br />public works facility at the end of the year. Adoption of the Consent Agenda approved the performance <br />review and salary adjustment for lead public works worker Tom Smith. <br />PARKS COMMISISON CITY TOUR (JULY 14, 2004 AT 5:00 PM) <br />Consistent with new chair Kitty Cheesebrow's leadership on the Parks Commission, members will <br />embark on a City-wide tour on Wednesday, July 14, 2004. This tour will involve Parks Commissioners <br />who desire to see first-hand all the current parks projects and future projects, which will need their <br />involvement and leadership. Adoption of the Consent Agenda approved a July 14, 2004 City tour for the <br />Parks Commissioners. <br />APPROVE PUD AND PRELIMINARY PLAT FOR VICTOR GARDENS SOUTH VILLAGE <br />Applicant Len Pratt is seeking approval of a PUD amendment and preliminary plat for 14 townhome <br />units and 4 commercial lots for Victor Gardens South Village. This commercial area will be at the main <br />entrance to Victor Gardens, south of CSAH 8. The Planning Commission reviewed this item at its June <br />24th meeting and voted unanimously to recommend approval. Adoption of the Consent Agenda adopted <br />Resolution 2004-50 to approve the PUD amendment and Resolution 2004-51 approving the preliminary <br />plat for Victor Gardens South Village, subject to the conditions stated in the resolutions. <br />APPROVE AWARD OF BID FOR MUNICIPAL PARKING LOTS (STRIPING AND SEAL <br />COATING) <br />Public Works Director Chris Petree solicited bids for the striping and seal coating of the municipal <br />parking lots. Bids were received until Tuesday, June 29, 2004, with a total of four bids to do the work. <br />Adoption of the Consent Agenda awarded the contract to Classic Asphalt and Seal Coating Company, in <br />the combined low bid total of $4,020. <br />APPROVE RENEWAL OF MINING PERMIT (ATKINSON) <br />Dean and Ruby Atkinson made application for approval of the bi-annual renewal of their Mining Permit, <br />which is located at 147h Street and Irish Avenue. Staff reviewed the application and found it to be <br />satisfactorily complete along with all necessary documentation. Council member Haas questioned <br />whether the financial guarantee was adequate ($17,500letter of credit) and if land reclamation should <br />
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