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City Council meeting of July 6, 2004 <br />Page 7 <br />UPDATE ON JD2 CULVERT REPLACEMENT PROJECT <br />City Attorney Dave Snyder reviewed with Council his recent letter to RCWD attorney Chuck Holtman <br />on the Council's position not to pay the reimbursement costs for the JD2 culvert replacement project. <br />No formal Council was taken. <br />DISCUSSION ON PROPOSED PURCHASE OF OLD NADEAU'S MARKET AT 14583 <br />FOREST BOULEVARD <br />At its June 21, 2004 meeting, Council discussed the interest of Mike and Catherine Anderson to sell the <br />old Nadeau's Market site aka the antique store to the City for its redevelopment efforts on the east side <br />of TH61. Staff was directed to meet with the Andersons to review the proposed sale and to make a site <br />inspection visit. On Friday, June 25, 2004, Ward 1 Council member Becky Petryk, City Administrator <br />Mike Ericson, CD Director Bryan Bear, and City Assessor Frank Langer met with Mike and Catherine at <br />City Hall, and later on, made an inspection visit of the property. Frank valued the property at $346,000. <br />The Andersons are very interested in selling the land and building to the City. Finance Director Ron <br />Otkin recommended the City have a downtown plan completed to have a better idea for potential use of <br />tax increment financing. <br />Puled made motion, Granger seconded, directing staff to continue purchase discussion and obtain quotes <br />for demolition of the building. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />UPDATE ON MEETING REGARDING AFFORDABLE HOUSING (CD DIRECTOR BRYAN <br />BEAR) <br />On June 30, 2004, CD Director Bryan Bear attended a meeting Washington County regarding affordable <br />housing and updated Council on the meeting. Bryan stated that funds are available where it can be <br />proved that they are targeted for low to moderate income residents, and cited a number of projects where <br />this money could potentially be used. <br />Haas made motion, Granger seconded, to add discussion of this topic to the workshop to be held to <br />discuss HFD-BLS ambulance service. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />DISCUSS PROPOSED FIREWORKS ORDINANCE <br />Last year, Hugo Fire Chief Jim Compton presented Council with a draft fireworks ordinance, which <br />allows the City to license and monitor those transient merchants who come into the City selling <br />fireworks at Nadeau's Market at 140' Street and TH61. City staff provided a new draft fireworks <br />ordinance thereby allowing the City the monitoring and control of those transient merchants, who will <br />come into the City to sell fireworks on a temporary basis. City staff recommends Council review the <br />draft and provide direction as to the proposed draft fireworks ordinance. <br />